Page 21 of A Soldier's Christmas
He closed his eyes and tried to count to ten, but Emma had her hand shoved down the front of his jeans by the time he got to six.
A grunted response was all he could manage as she rubbed his wet arousal around the crown of his dick. He throbbed to be between her thighs, and just the thought had tingles of precum slithering along the length of him to release on her fingers. If she wasn’t careful, she’d get more than she bargained for with how aroused she had him.
He needed to ask her to stop. He knew he had to ask her, but the words wouldn’t form because her fingers felt too good on his heated flesh.
“Logan,” she whispered against his mouth.
He snapped his eyes open.
“I don’t want to stop, but if I don’t we’re not going anywhere today other than back to bed.” She pulled her hand free and patted him through his jeans.
He laughed, although it was choked. “I’ll survive...just.”
He held his hand out for Emma’s and tugged her close when she grasped it.
“I can survive anything with you by my side.” He kissed her knuckles. “I just hope your mom is more welcoming today than yesterday,” he admitted.
Logan told himself to ignore how Emma’s mom had acted yesterday, and that she was just looking out for her youngest daughter, but…
“I don’t know. By now she’ll know that I spent the night with you, in fact, the whole town will know.”
Logan groaned and Emma smiled.
“And you know what? I don’t care if the whole town knows. It wasn’t a one night stand because we’re a couple.” Emma beamed at him. “So if they have a problem with it when it isn’t their business, it’s on them, because I sure as hell don’t have a problem with it. I also plan on spending every night with you.”
“Good.” He kissed her lips. “Because that’s where you belong.” He held her close before he glanced at his watch. “I think we better leave. I’m not sure how long it will take to get the truck on the road.”
“Okay, that could be awhile with the snowfall last night, which reminds me, I wonder where Travis is. He would have stayed in town, but we haven’t heard from him since his visit here.”
“Did he not stay here?”
“I don’t know. He may have, but he can’t stand Adele always wanting in his business so he probably bunked at a friend’s house. Either way, I need to talk to him about my books.” Emma frowned. “I wonder how long he’s known that R. Logan was me?”
“You’ll find out once you’ve talked to him.”
Logan moved and grabbed their outdoor gear, helping Emma into hers before he shoved his own on.
As he opened the door, he wondered whether they’d manage to escape before Adele or Greg saw them. They’d agreed to skip breakfast at the B&B, so hopefully.
Emma tugged on his jacket and crept down the hallway. He hid his laughter at their antics and followed her downstairs. It was only as the doors to the hotel closed behind them that he let his laughter out.
Emma giggled beside him while tugging on her hat. “Let’s go and have breakfast at Mary’s Eat and Treats, I’m partial to their biscuit and eggs.”
“Okay, and I can’t believe we just crept out of there like two naughty kids.” Logan shook his head and grabbed hold of Emma’s hand.
“It was fun. C’mon.”
She tugged him from the B&B and across the street. They’d only taken a few steps when they walked into the café that Emma had suggested.
As he looked around, there were only a few people inside eating in the warm festive place, one of which was Emma’s brother. “Hey,” he whispered, “your brother.” He nodded to the right and hid his mirth behind his hand because her brother looked anything but happy to see them.
If he had to guess, he’d say that Travis hadn’t wanted to be seen with the woman he was eating breakfast with. Logan could have sworn that Emma told him her brother was engaged in one of her letters when she’d talked about her family.
“Let’s go say hi.” Emma moved over to her brother, and offered him a sweet smile, as though to say, ‘I’ve caught you.’
“Travis, fancy seeing you here,” Emma smiled at her brother and offered her hand to the woman. “I’m Emma, his sister, and this is my boyfriend, Logan.”
Boyfriend—he liked that.