Page 65 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
His eyes widen. “Really?”
“Go, before I change my mind.”
He’s back within minutes. “Thanks, boss.”
“You’re welcome. You’re off the clock now. They want anything else to drink, they know where it is.” I clunk my glass with his and Levi joins in.
“You do realize that we are the only three bachelors in the room,” Levi observes.
“Dylan,” I mumble. “Dylan and Jenna are engaged, not married.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
I do know what he means except, I have Gretchen now, and the funny thing is, only Levi and Rob know about her. “Can you two not mention Gretchen to my family,” I ask quietly. “I’m taking her to the wedding tomorrow so that will be soon enough.”
“Sure,” Levi agrees. “I’ll keep her company tomorrow while you do your best man duty.”
Frowning, I turn to him. “Why are you offering to look after my girl?”
“Stop being a jealous asshole. She’s going to be out of her depth with all the McKenzies around, plus it’s been a while since I was around everyone.”
Gretchen is going to be nervous in the family gathering and I’m surprised to hear that Levi will be too. Instead of teasing him about it, I’m grateful. “Thank you. I’m sure she’ll be happy for the company.”
Rob snorts. “Since when did you get all proper.”
“I’m turning over a new leaf,” I say as Rob disappears behind the bar.
He sits back down a minute later and takes the bottle of Bowmore from behind his back. “Refill, anyone?”
“Uncle Seb is not going to be happy,” Levi mumbles, having another glass of the amber liquid.
“He’s driving so will only have the one glass.” I sit back and just enjoy watching my family together.
There are a lot us, so when we are together it gets noisy and we have been known to get competitive—the girls being more so on occasion. It actually feels strange them not being around tonight. I thought with Poppy not being able to stay awake in the evening that something would have been arranged for us all during the day. However, from what I heard Poppy was insistent that Jaxon had his bachelor party, so of course, I offered Kenza. It’s working out well, because everyone is having fun just being together.
Time passes quickly while I’m drinking the single malt with Levi and Rob, and it isn’t until I try and get to my feet that I realize I may have had a bit too much whisky.
“Fuck!” I slam into Rob who laughs. “When did everyone leave?”
Levi speaks. “Do you have him, Rob?”
“Yes. I’ll get him upstairs and lock up.”
Rob, I think it is, wraps an arm around my waist. “You’re drunk, boss. I’m going to help you upstairs to your girl.”
“She’s hot.” I sigh. “Sweet. Sexy. Pierced.” I grin.
“She’s pierced? Where?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Fucking hell! How much whisky did I drink?
“Forget I mentioned anything.”
“You got it, Ryan.” The asshole laughs.
“You’re not going to forget it?”