Page 6 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
“That’s a wonderful tradition to have. We need to purchase some for the tree.” Her face lit up and it caught me by surprise as she continued, “Do you know where the shop is?”
“I do, but first, I think we should have a hot chocolate or hot apple cider.” Her hand squeezed my arm, propelling me forward. Daringly, I took advantage and quickly kissed her on the cheek, delighted at her gasp, which I ignored. “I’m fairly sure we’re heading in the correct direction for the shop with the decorations.”
There was silence and then she added, “Considering there is only one road through the village, I’m guessing you’re right.”
Good! She’d decided to carry on without yelling at me for sneaking a kiss, which I hadn’t done before. Maybe I was growing on her. I was confident I was. While she went silent again, I spotted the shop we needed. Its window was the brightest one. The snow started to fall again as I moved us toward it.
Decorated with a Victorian Christmas scene in the window, a train slowly chugged through the village. A few children had their noses pressed up to the window, but the one thing that delighted me the most was Jenna’s response. She gasped with delight and laughed. Her eyes sparkled as she turned.
“This is the best.” She laughed and danced to join the children.
I moved to the side so I could get a better view of her and leaned against a wooden post.
She said something to a child beside her and the little boy started giggling as Jenna spoke to his mother.
Her eye caught mine and she raised a hand, hesitated, and then waved me over to her. She smiled, chewing on her bottom lip, and waited. My walk was slow and when I reached her, I had to touch. She took my breath away. To her surprise, I slid my hands beneath the bottom of her jacket to touch skin. Jenna shivered and gave me a hesitant hug before she pulled away.
“This is the most amazing window display. Can we go inside?”
“We can.” I laughed. “We’re going to purchase a couple of decorations for the tree.” I smiled and led her inside the warm store.
Jenna looked slightly unsure, but then she moved in front of me. Her hands pressed against my chest as she raised up on tiptoes. Her eyes held mine as she kissed my cheek. “You’re full of surprises, Dylan McKenzie.”
“I’m glad you think so.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “Let’s choose our decorations.”
“I love Christmas and was looking forward to spending it with my uncle and family.” Jenna admitted, quietly. “It’s been a few years since I visited, and I hate letting them down.” Not meeting my gaze, she moved to the Christmas section of the store. I, of course, followed and smiled when she held a pink ballerina in her hand. “This one.”
“You like ballet, huh?” I picked up the nutcracker and held it up next to Jenna’s decoration. “And I’m not such a bad companion to spend Christmas with. Then afterwards when we can leave this village, we’ll go and visit your family and my Dad’s friend, who I believe are one and the same.”
“You knew?”
“Not until after the crash. I spotted his name on the notification screen on your phone. It made sense. I knew his niece from the States was also spending Christmas and I’m ashamed to admit that I never gave it another thought.” I shrugged. “I’m really happy it’s you Jenna. I mean that.”
“I believe you do.”
Clearing my throat, I got us back on track, “You were saying about ballet.”
“I wasn’t, but I’ll humor you.” She smiled. “I’m not really a fan of ballet, but I do love the Nutcracker. I’d usually go every December in New York. I decided to travel to Ireland instead.”
“Then I’m lucky you decided to skip it this year.” I moved in and surrounded all her senses. “I’m so damn happy to have you here with me.”
Between us, my heart pounded, and Jenna’s face reddened while her breath stilled. “I don’t think you should be so close to me…in a public place.”
“Why’s that then?” I nuzzled into her neck and smiled when I felt her shiver. Nibbling on her lobe, I gave her bottom a quick squeeze and backed away. My smile widened when I saw the stunned look on her face. “Come on. Let’s pay and then go outside. I need to cool off.”
She muttered something under her breath about not being the only one to cool off. I hid my amusement while paying for the ornaments. She was so distracted that she hadn’t even realized I’d paid until she stopped me outside.
“You make me forget.” She tugged her jacket down and added, “I don’t like it.”
“Liar.” I laughed as she walked off toward the tree in a huff.
Dylan was getting to me. Who was I kidding? He’d gotten to me long before this trip. Now, though, I couldn’t get the feel of him out of my head. His erection had pulsed with a life of its own against me.
I may have denied it to Dylan, but, to myself, I knew his presence was doing things to me. The way he looked at me— his reaction—was all because of me. I hadn’t known what to do or how I should react. I’d sensed his embarrassment when he’d admitted that, but it hadn’t stopped him. It was as he left that I realized I needed to stop thinking I didn’t fit with him when he’s making me believe I did. Although I wasn’t sure I’d get over my s