Page 54 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
The silver ring is hooked through a nipple and I can’t hold off any longer. I don’t know why a nipple ring is turning me on, but fuck if I don’t care. She’s the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen. Capturing the bud in my mouth, I let my tongue play with the silver in between sucking and tugging with my mouth and teeth. The other doesn’t go unattended as I squeeze and rub with my fingers while Gretchen rubs frantically against my cock.
With my balls ready to explode and my cock leaking precum behind my zipper, I finally come back to my senses. Holding Gretchen steady, I slowly lick around her nipple before lifting my gaze. Her cheeks are flaming red while she struggles for breath.
I’m glad I’m not the only one having a hard time—no pun intended—pulling back. My hands tremble as I cover her gorgeous tits before resting my forehead against hers. “A nipple ring,” I whisper, unable to hide the lust in my gaze knowing what she has hidden under her clothing.
Gretchen swallows hard and says, “I’m a good girl. I don’t do anything spontaneously.” Her cheeks grow hotter and I grin in delight.
“I’d say that was spontaneous combustion.”
“Yes, well.” She pauses. “I was teased on my twenty-first birthday for being more into reading than being wild. So,” she smirked, “I showed them I could be wild if I wanted to and got the piercing. I went in and made an appointment. Paid. Told the woman I’d be back after I had numbed the coming pain.”
“In other words, you got drunk as a skunk before letting someone touch your boob, huh?”
“Something like that.”
“Well, whatever led up to you having it done, I’m really grateful.” I wiggle my brows and kiss the tip of her nose. “It’s such a big fucking turn on.” Shoving a hand to the front of my jeans, I rearrange my cock into a more comfortable position.
“I took a chance coming here, Ryan. This isn’t like me. At all.”
“Why did you keep coming back?” I wrap my fingers with hers, needing to keep the connection we have going. I want her to talk to me and not be embarrassed.
“I wanted you to remember me.”
I burst out laughing. “I never forgot you. I spotted you the first night you were in my club.”
She winces. “I’m in town for a few more days.”
My stomach drops, hearing a few more days. She can’t leave now she’s back in my life.
“Move in with me,” I blurt before I can form any other words. “I mean, I have space. There are two bedrooms upstairs. You’ll save money not staying in a hotel, and unless you have something to do in Boston, then…stay with me.”
We’ll share a bed.
Letting out a loud breath, she moves away and my fingers twitch to pull her back so that she’s close. Having her across the office means I can no longer smell the light flora scent that I get a whiff of every time she moves her head.
“I didn’t think this far ahead. I only wanted to get you to notice me. I wanted to know if what you made me feel four years ago had been real.”
“And was it?”
She nods, giving me a shy glance. “I can’t just move in with you.”
With the way she hesitates, I know she wants to. “I’ve never had another woman in my apartment.”
She raises a brow and laughs. “You expect me to believe that Mr. Casanova?”
I deserved that after my reputation, but it hurts hearing it from her lips.
“Ryan?” She reaches for me, pressing her hands against my chest. “I’m sorry. I was teasing with that name. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m not like that. It’s just all so sudden. One minute I’m in the club in this ridiculous dress desperate for you to notice me, and the next, we’re all hot and bothered in your office, and then,” she rapidly inhales and exhales, “and then, you’re asking me to move in with you.”
“My reputation has followed me through the years since I first started working at Kenza.” I cover her hands and press them into my chest. “I promise, Gretchen.” I kiss her forehead and add, “No girl, unless we’re related, has stepped foot in my apartment. It’s my space and I’ve never welcomed anyone in there. It irritates me having family visit me, if you must know. So, the fact I’ve asked you to move in there with me is a huge step for me too. However, I’m serious. I don’t want you in Boston. I want you here with me. Four years ago, I walked away because I didn’t know what the fuck had happened to me when I kissed you.” I chuckle. “You scared me to fucking death.”
“You’ve been in my dreams ever since. My lips tingled that night, not to mention other parts of my body.”
“Is that so?” I try to hide a laugh, unsuccessfully I might add. “Parts of me tingled too.” I press a lingering kiss to her cheek. “So, tomorrow, we’ll pick your stuff up from the hotel and move you in here, right? I’ll give you a key.” I slip an arm around her waist and tugging her close, drop my face into the curve of her neck. “Please say yes.”