Page 32 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
I swallow hard. “Because Jaxon is the baby’s father.”
"You wanted this when you came here, didn't you? You had no intention of coming back with me?" David steps closer, and nerves jump in my belly. “You’re making a big mistake going with this guy. You don’t know anything about him!”
“Stop shouting.” I move and sit on the sofa. “I can’t handle you like this. You know I came here to tell Jaxon. I didn’t expect him to want me to move in with him. I was surprised and agreed.”
"He only wants the baby! You know that, right? The baby, Poppy. His family has money. Remember that." David storms into his bedroom, the door slamming behind him.
Tears prickle behind my eyes as I slowly pull myself up from the sofa. My legs carry me toward the bedroom. In seconds I’m out of the hotel room and heading down into the lobby. Just in time too.
Jaxon seems nervous as he looks around the lobby, but when his eyes land on me, his mouth splits into a grin, and his happiness shines in his eyes. My mouth wobbles as I try to smile back, and I watch as Jaxon’s smile turns into a frown. He rushes over and cups my face, drying my tears with his thumbs. “You’re upset. Why?”
Releasing my bag, I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face against his chest. It feels soothing when he slides his fingers through my hair and holds me close. His long-sleeved t-shirt is thin, and the heat from his body warms me up.
“You’re sneaking away? Poppy?” David hisses from behind.
Jaxon stills, and his hold on me tightens as though he expects my brother to take me away from him. I guess that's what Jaxon is doing—taking me away from David.
“You must be Poppy’s brother? I’m Jaxon McKenzie.” Jaxon moves me into his side and offers his hand, which gets ignored.
Pulling myself together, I glare at David. “I left while you were occupied elsewhere to prevent this kind of confrontation.” I pause and press against Jaxon, wanting to get closer, needing his reassurance that I’m doing the right thing.
Jaxon presses a kiss to my forehead and whispers, “I have you.”
"David, you're the only family I have left. My best friend." I wince slightly at my admission. "At least you were until you became possessive of me, and I don't understand why."
David glances around and whispers under his breath, "This isn't the place for this discussion." He hesitates and then, stepping forward, kisses me on the cheek. "You’re my best friend too, sis.”
Then he’s gone.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I grab my bag, and have it taken from me. "I'll take this." Jaxon winks, and briefly swoops in for a kiss, causing my belly to flutter with excitement.
He's gorgeous. Worn pale denim fit his thighs and
butt to perfection, and the white long-sleeved t-shirt brings out his tan and certainly shows his arms as they flex. Jaxon smirks as he catches me checking him out.
I smile and raise a brow.
Laughing, he takes my hand and walks me out front to where he’s left the car.
After I'm comfortable in the car, he tosses my bag into the trunk, and then we're moving out of the city.
Jaxon keeps passing sidelong glances in my direction. I know this because I can't take my eyes from his profile. The man had snared my attention from the moment I'd laid eyes on him. I hadn't been looking for anyone, and I hadn't intended to let anything come of the attraction I later discovered was mutual. In the end, I'd decided life was too short and went for what I wanted in a roundabout way.
“Tell me about your brother,” Jaxon asks.
Sighing softly, I stare out of the front window and decide where to start. "My brother and I are complicated." I give him my attention. He's a much more exciting view. "David is older and put me through college when our parents died. I owe him a lot, and I guess he's my home. When things get tough, I've always run to him. Like I did after my night with you."
Closing my eyes, I rub at the tension I feel across my brow. “David can be possessive, as you’ve witnessed. He worries about me.”
"This time is different, right? I sensed something more." Jaxon quickly glances at me before turning his attention back on the road.
"I'm not sure what's going on with him. He didn't want me to come with you." I shrug. "He didn't want me to come and find you either."
His hands tighten around the steering wheel and his jaw clenches. “I’m glad you did.” Stopped at the lights, he turns and gives me such a heated look that my face flushes a deep red. He grins and clears his throat.
I’m so easy were Jaxon is concerned.
Wiggling around in the seat, I let my eyes drift closed as the gentle rocking motion of the car makes me sleepy.