Page 2 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 4
Dylan laughed. “Jenna, I don’t have all day. We need to get out of here. Trust me. I won’t let you fall.” He sighed. “I will catch you. Now, let go.”
“I warned you.” I let go and I didn’t have far to fall into Dylan’s arms. His arms momentarily tightened around me.
“Do you have your feet under you?”
“Yeah. I’m good.”
He slowly moved away to a few seats in front of us to help a guy up. The man’s face was bleeding from a stray piece of glass in his cheek and he used his sweater to stem the flow while helping an older woman up with Dylan. Luckily, there wasn’t that many of us on the bus, but the passengers moved around. It was the driver who stayed unmoving. The front of the bus seemed to have taken the brunt of the crash.
Stumbling around a bit, I grabbed my backpack and noticed Dylan’s half buried under a seat with other stuff. The least I could do was pull his pack out of the bus along with mine. He’d protected me during the crash. Whether it had been to protect himself because he’d been sitting on the downside of the bus, or whether it really had been to protect me, I didn’t care. Either way his actions settled me.
Checking on his whereabouts, I tugged his heavy pack free of debris and realized the only way to get it off the bus would be to drag it. It was heavy and awkward, just like I felt. Dylan turned from his position at the front of the bus and hurried toward me. “We need to get off the bus. I think it’s on fire,” he said while grabbing his pack from me along with my own. “Go!” He indicated with a nod of his head.
The closer to the front I got, the stronger the smell of smoke was. It made me gag and was combined with the sharp scent of burning tires. Then I saw the lick of flames around the front tires. My whole limbs froze and, even though I knew I had to follow Dylan, I couldn’t make my feet move as I stared at the flames that were quickly growing stronger.
I heard my name and, as though in slow motion, I moved my head to the sound. Dylan came running toward me and tossed me over his shoulder as though I weighed nothing. I wasn’t sure why I thought about my weight at a time like this, but I did. It was something I was used to. Part of the norm for me
. Obviously not for Dylan because he carried me out of the bus as though he was a fireman, before he put me down gently a safe distance away.
He stood in front of me hardly breaking into a sweat while my face was flushed with embarrassment. “I don’t know what happened in there.” I turned to look at the bus and back to Dylan, shivering from the cold and heavy snow fall. “I saw the flames and froze.” I certainly wasn’t mentioning my weight again.
“You’re out now,” he offered a wry smile. “Everyone is out, including the driver.”
“That’s good.”
He tipped his head and really looked at me just as a pop sound came from the bus, distracting us.
“That didn’t sound good,” Dylan commented. “I think we should move.”
Shouting started up and, within seconds, Dylan had my hand in his as he pulled me further across the field. At least I thought it was a field. It was dark and even though the snow would have lighted up the night, the heavy snow falling made it hard to see anything.
My limbs loosened up and I managed to run with Dylan without too much trouble, but then the bus exploded. I stumbled and ended up taking Dylan down into the snow with me as I felt my arm grow hot.
I never expected to be sharing a room in a bed and breakfast in Ireland with Jenna McCormick. To be honest, I never expected to be sharing anything with the girl. When she’d woken confused and in pain after being caught in the arm by a flying piece of metal from the bus, something came over me. I couldn’t leave her to the paramedics. So instead, I stayed with her, so she’d at least have someone familiar when she woke up. She, of course, recognized me and got very confused as to why she was in an ambulance with me on the way to the local hospital. She wasn’t best pleased about it either.
So now we were sharing the only room available after the accident in a quaint bed and breakfast in a town I still didn’t know the name of. The sofa wasn’t comfortable because I was too big for the damn thing. Jenna was in the bed and I didn’t think it was wise to lay on the bed with her until she was fully aware of where we were and why. Didn’t want her screaming and waking everyone up.
The storm hadn’t let up and we were well and truly snowed in. Three days before Christmas and, at this rate, I’d be spending it with Jenna and a bunch of strangers. Better than being alone like a lot of people were through the holidays. Some by choice, some not. So, in my half sleep state, I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I’d make sure Jenna did too, even if she woke grumpy and wanted to toss me out on my ass. I smiled to myself. It could be fun trying to get to know Jenna while my friends weren’t around to witness her rejection. That was what they called it every time she’d bitten my head off with sharp words. Rejection. I hadn’t even known who she was or seen her before when we’d first met. But she’d gone off on a sharp and painful rant that I still couldn’t work out.
She had an odd attitude and while we were stuck in the storm together, I planned on finding out why. We had nothing better to do, right? Well, not anything she’d want to be doing with me. My preference would be to spend the days between the sheets with the girl.
I’d had Ireland all planned out. I’d find myself a sweet, green-eyed Irish girl who would fall at my feet. Instead, the girl in my head had to be in the same country at the same time as me. So instead of finding that Irish lass, I was obsessing over the girl in the bed. I’d been good and kept her clothes on when I’d put her to bed. She would have killed me in my sleep if I’d gotten her changed while she slept. That was something I was certain of.
My cock twitched and throbbed at the thought of Jenna naked in my arms while it was buried deep inside of her. The girl had some serious curves, which my hands tingled to touch. Her breasts were on the large size and made my mouth water to suckle at. The hard nipples I’d had the pleasure of seeing standing solid and proud against her t-shirt a few times since the crash. It bothered me that she thought she was too heavy for me to carry. Why would she say that? She might not be stick thin, but her curves were enough to bring a guy to his knees. I mean she had me in the balls and I desperately wanted to be with her. Not just in the ‘let’s get naked’ part, but in the ‘let’s talk and get to know each other’ part. Why couldn’t the girl see that I liked her? I more than liked her and that fact had been a thorn in my side for a while now.
Jenna McCormick was a fiery bombshell with those green eyes and the abundance of red curls she had going on. Probably some Scottish ancestry as well as the Irish going on with her. When it suddenly dawned on me that I’d had an Irish girl on my mind for a long time. I didn’t need to find anyone else.
She’d been under my nose from the start.
Now just to convince the girl!