Page 52 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
Holding my hand out for Mallory, my eyes glance over her to make sure she’s covered. The robe is far too big on her slender form and I wish we had a lot more time to explore each other. The thought of her being nude beneath the robe does things to my body that have me wishing that my robe were too big. As it is, it fits me fine, letting Mallory know that I still want her.
A wicked light comes int
o Mallory’s gaze as she steps closer. She wraps an arm around my neck and stepping into my body, her other hand searches between the folds of the robe and finds my throbbing erection. Her fingers gently stroke, and when I grunt in pleasure her tongue pushes forward into my mouth. Her taste explodes on my tongue while her fingers wrap tightly around my cock and she starts jerking me off. I feel the pleasure of her touch all the way to my toes, and even the dull throb in my leg doesn’t stop my orgasm from rushing forward.
Mallory licks at my lips before taking the kiss deeper—sucking and nibbling and devouring. I can’t breathe, all the air leaves my lungs and I come all over Mallory and myself. My body trembles with satisfaction, my limbs feeling heavy. Slowing the kiss, Mallory gently pulls her lips away and smiles softly, one side of her mouth tipped upwards. “We couldn’t leave here as long as you had your little problem.”
I exhale loudly and laugh, wincing when I remove her hand from my little problem. Shaking my head, I grab the towel from around my neck and clean her hand and wrist before I wipe at myself. Mallory’s eyes watch and her breath leaves her mouth in little pants.
“I would say that I had a very large problem.”
She gives a shaky laugh and rolls her eyes. “I would agree, except I don’t want to add to the large ego you have going on over there.”
I grin feeling happy and lighthearted. Curving my arm around her neck, I urge her to walk with me. “I don’t have a large ego,” I grumble. “And you’re the cause of the other issue.” I kiss the top of her head. “And I don’t have one complaint.”
She heavily sighs and her arm around my waist holds me that bit closer. “Let’s shower and then concentrate on this case. The sooner it’s over, the sooner we can be alone.”
Although her words are music to my ears, part of me worries that we’re drawing the killer out. It’s our job to do this as we’re trained whereas the other couples are not. At one time I would have worried about my partner being in the line of fire, now, I’m terrified that the woman I love could be in harm’s way.
Joshua and I are treading on water and I don’t know what to do about it. Our closeness won’t be going unnoticed by the other couples, especially the ones undercover with us. I’ve always been a by-the-book-agent and I feel like my life is spinning out of control with how fast I’ve become attached to Josh. The first time we’d met, I’d wondered about him, and he’s been on my mind ever since. My first instinct had been to hold him back—to protect him, but luckily I’d realized what I was doing and managed to direct my orders accordingly. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do that anymore, not with how my feelings for the handsome man have grown into so much more than they should.
For the first time in my life, I see a future that isn’t paperwork—I see Joshua and me together, and what I imagine is beautiful and makes my heart ache. I want to reach out and grab it before it disappears into a figment of my imagination, and that scares the crap out of me. Everything I’ve held close has always disappeared into a past that I don’t want to remember. Joshua gives meaning to my life, and if I’m honest with myself, I enjoy his entrance into the office each morning. I’d already be at my desk when he’d come through the doors and head straight to the coffee machine. I’d pretend to be reading a file, as I’d watch him from the corner of my eye as he’d make his way to his desk. He’d settle his eyes on me for longer than necessary before taking his seat. My heart would always beat a little bit faster, and I’m not even going to think about how I’d react when he’d catch my eye and smile.
Right now though, we had a killer to catch, and once we’d caught him—we will catch him—I’m going to consider my options because not being free to be with Josh isn’t an option any longer. Unfortunately, coming to that conclusion, the woman who is going to be the death of me saunters over. “You’re thinking long and hard about something,” Clarissa says, anger in her voice. “I wonder if it has anything to do with our mutual friend.”
Her partner, Roger, winces at the tone of her voice and places his arm around her waist, pulling her in tightly to his side. “We’re here to have fun, dear!” he says with a bite in his voice.
Clarissa gives me a dark glare before smiling up at Roger. “You’re right of course.” She places a hand on his shirt and slides her fingers between two fastened buttons. Roger starts to blush, so I look around wondering how long Josh is going to be. By mutual agreement, he’d gone to the small onsite store, which was the size of a broom closet for much needed supplies, or so he;d planned on telling whoever was in earshot.
“So, it’s partner swapping tomorrow evening,” Clarissa says with a gleam in her eye. “I’ve already written down the name of the couple I want to swap with. The moment she’s revealed that little tidbit, she turns, dragging Roger along with her.
Little does she know that Joshua and I have both requested to partner up with the other FBI couple, Samantha and Paul. They’ve also requested us, so hopefully that will work out.
Joshua comes into the room, heading straight for me, his cheeks looking slightly darker.
“Are you blushing?” I tease, looking closer. “You are!”
He dips his forehead to mine. “It takes a lot to embarrass me, but having to pay a woman who looks like a grandma, for lube and extra large condoms,” he shudders, “embarrasses me.”
“Extra large, huh?”
He grins. “They didn’t have extra extra large, so I had to settle for extra large.” He winks and quickly kisses me. “I made sure she knew we’d be alone together in our cabin tonight.”
“Anyone else around?”
“No.” He pauses, glancing across the room. “She did say she’d make sure everyone else knew what I’d purchased for, and I quote, ‘evening of delight’ before l was given an uncomfortable wink.” He shoves a hand through his hair. “God, she had me wanting to run.”
Chuckling, I move my gaze over the room before meeting the amusement in Joshua’s. “Do you think we’re making ourselves targets by doing this?” I whisper.
Joshua glances around. “As far as we’ve been told none of the other couples had an issue with infidelity. But the partner swapping tomorrow evening has me worried. What if there have been more of those events that everyone has kept silent about? What if that’s the trigger?” He sighs and kisses the top of my head.
I catch Clarissa glaring over at us. “Your friend, and notice how I use that term loosely, isn’t happy with you right now, or me for that matter.”
He groans. “What’d she say now?”