Page 44 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
“And?” Mallory prompts.
“She made it clear that she wouldn’t mind having more of me.” It’s embarrassing having to admit that to Mallory, especially as she has gotten more of me than anyone in a very long time.
Sighing, Mallory sits on the sofa and I follow suit, sitting beside her. There is a chair facing us, but I want to be close to her.
“Ritter told me that we are a couple again and are booked for a week at the same couples retreat that is advertised at the club.” She rubs her brows. “I’m sure they must be aware by now that something is going on there, but the manager has a big mouth and we can’t guarantee he won’t go spreading whatever we ask him to do for us. It’s a headache, Josh.”
My heart jerks at my name on her lips. Not McKenzie. Not Joshua. But Josh. She’s one distraction that I’m going to have to put to one side while we work this case again. “So you’re here in person to get me back on this? The retreat?”
A faint pink blush highlights her cheekbones. “We are booked for a full week, but it may end early if we manage to catch the asshole. If not, then you have the pleasure of my company for seven days in the middle of nowhere.”
I offer her a wicked grin. “I sure as hell don’t mind being alone with you for seven days in the middle of nowhere.”
Her blush deepens to a flaming red. “We can’t let go like we did before.” She blows out a breath. “We have to share a room and act like a couple.” Her worried gaze reaches into mine.
I want to tell her no, I don’t want to behave around her. I don’t, instead I ask, “Are you nervous to be around me?”
She swallows hard. “Honestly, what we did at the club, scares me to death. I’ve never acted like that before, but one look from you and I’m wet, and God, one touch and you can do anything to me.” Her blush is now a deep shade of red and it’s working its way down her neck to her amazing chest.
I snap my eyes back up to her face, unable to hide my delighted grin. There’s mischief there, as I tease, “So you like me touching you, huh?”
“Ground rules,” she snaps, her eyes narrowing.
I chuckle and the grin on my face gets wider by the second. I’m thrilled she wants me touching her as much as I want to be doing the touching. She may not be happy about that fact right now, but if it’s the last thing I do, she will be. Very happy.
“No touching in private. We’re there to catch a cold-blooded killer. Outside of our room we have to act as though we are a loving couple.” She licks her lips, my eyes following, and my body certainly has vivid imaginations about what she can do with that tongue. “Is your ex going to be a problem?”
Frowning, I try to process what she said and groan: Clarissa Redgrave. “I haven’t heard from her since we graduated, and even before that, I tried to avoid her once I knew her agenda.”
“She wanted me, Mallory.”
Mallory frowns. “She obviously passed her psych-evaluation, so she wasn’t a crazy stalker?”
“She’d show up at odd places where I hadn’t expected to see her: same restaurant, the movies, the gun range once.” I shrug. “She was always with a few others from the class and although she’d always try and catch my eye, I didn’t get the stalker vibe.”
“I hope she isn’t going to be a problem.”
I shake my head. “I haven’t seen or heard from her since we graduated so I think we’re good.”
Silence stretches between us until Mallory says quietly, “What I really wanted to ask as soon as you walked in the room was how are you?” She offers a small secretive smile and it does things to my body.
Relieved I’m wearing jeans, I reply, “I’m doing good. I only have a limp when I’m tired or overwork it.” I shrug. “I hate sitting still though.”
“Yes, me too.” She sits forward. “I know there is no evidence that the hunter is the one to have shot you. Just your gut instinct…I’m worried that if we go to the retreat that the hunter might do more target practice on you—if the person is one and the same that is. Which also brings me to the point I’d like to make. If it is the same person, do they know you’re FBI? Do they know I am?”
I run my hands through my hair. “Everything you said is possible, but I think it’s a chance we’re just going to have to take. The difference this time is, I won’t be alone so more pairs of eyes being extra vigilant.”
She’s thoughtful. “Do you think you’ll be ready to leave with me in the morning?”
“I’ll be ready. Where are you staying?”
“I came here straight from the airport, so I’ve yet to find a hotel.”
I shake my head. “You can stay here.”
“What? No. I can’t Josh.”