Page 41 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
Before the club, I thought I’d kept my growing attraction to my boss hidden, and I had at work, but one or two of my cousins had noticed there was something on my mind. I’d spilled to Olivia over Christmas, and although it had helped briefly, I was now avoiding Olivia while I recuperated at home. It wasn’t that hard to do with Olivia being out of town with Geary. I didn’t want to talk about Mallory and I knew my cousin wouldn’t be able to keep herself from enquiring.
Sighing heavily, I glance around the garden of my home, the one I grew up in. Over the years Mom and Dad have taken time and care over the grass and shrubs because they wanted it well tended for us to play safely on, and any grandchildren they may have. It’s huge and pretty, which is why they also have a landscaping company come out once a month.
A flutter of bright pink catches my eye and turning, I smile, happy to see my cousin Rachel coming toward me. She glows with happiness and a twinge of pain reaches inside of me, more so when I catch the way her husband, Alexander, looks at her. They’re both so damn happy and with the baby on the way, they have it all. I think I’m allowed to feel sorry for myself when Rachel sits besides me, her hand immediately going to rest on her protruding belly.
“Why are you looking so gloomy?” She asks. “You were all smiles a moment ago.”
I wrap an arm around her. “My leg is getting back to normal, so don’t worry.” I kiss her forehead. “I got lost in thought.” I briefly meet Alexander’s gaze and notice the frown in his. “Seriously guys, I really am okay.” I squeeze Rachel closer. “How is mama doing?”
Rachel offers a whimsical sigh. “I’m so excited to meet our son or daughter.”
“She’s extremely impatient,” Alexander adds with a small smile.
“I can’t help it. Once the sickness stopped the excitement started to hit me and hasn’t left. I’m scared about the birth but I’m trying not to worry about it. Alex will be with me every step so I know I’ll be fine. I just wish I wasn’t such a wimp with pain.”
“It can’t be that bad if women do it over and over again,” I comment and find Rachel glaring at me.
“How painful do you think it’s going to be for me to push a baby out of my vagina?” She shudders. “Alexander is going to see it too! All stretched and bleeding, where he normally—”
I quickly cover her mouth with my hand and grimace. “I do not need a visual of what you both get up to. Jeez, I’m your cousin.”
Alexander’s eyes light with amusement. “You need to get laid.”
“What names have you chosen?” I change the subject.
“I see what you’re doing,” Alexander laughs. “I think it’s about time you brought a girl home.”
“What are we, thirteen?”
Rachel shoves me in the side. “If you were thirteen then your mom wouldn’t have let you bring a girl home. I seem to recall her once saying that you have too much of your dad in you to be allowed around women until you were twenty-one and working.” She chuckles. “At the time I had no idea what she meant, until I got older and realized what a charmer Uncle Michael is with your mom.”
“I’m not interested okay,” I admit. “Leave it at that please.”
Rachel turns slightly and stares. “Oh, um, okay.” She pats my hand and reaches for Alexander. “Help me up, will you? Aunt Lily promised homemade cream buns.”
“Where those for you?” I reply, rubbing my belly. “My mom is damn good in the kitchen.”
Rachel narrows her eyes. “If you’ve eaten my cream buns there will be trouble, Joshua McKenzie.”
Alexander laughs. “She’s very possessive of her food lately.” He raises a brow at his wife as if daring her to contradict him.
“You two can have your fun, but I’m hungry.” Rachel gets hauled out of the chair by her husband and pads inside.
Alexander hesitates. “How are you really doing Josh?”
My first thought is to say what I always do, that I’m okay. This time I don’t. “I’m not sure whether I am or not. While on medical leave, it’s the first time in years when I’ve really had time to think and relax. Usually I’m home for a day or two here and there, but this is actually nice.”
“If you need to talk or want to hang out, give me a call.”
“I will.”
Alexander disappears and I let out a sigh, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. But that’s not entirely true. I want Mallory and I don’t know how to get her.
A headache from hell is currently playing havoc with my concentration, and to top it all off, the hunter is back. I hate that name but it’s the one given to the hunter who is going around murdering couples. It doesn’t matter whether they’re married or dating, the hunter doesn’t care. As long as the woman is older than the man then they’re fair game to him. He’s been quiet for a couple of months, which is why I currently have one of our analysts trying to find anyone who has spent the past two months in prison. It would explain his absence, and sudden return.