Page 38 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
“What?” She asks, surprised.
“All I need is open space. So we move out of the city and you get to stay in your family business.” I squeeze her ass, moving her slowly up and down. “I’ve loved working for Derek, but it’s time to move on with the woman I love. It’s all about compromise.”
Olivia softly sighs, a slight moan following. “I do love you, and I can’t wait for you to meet my family on New Year’s Eve.”
Aunt Lily and Uncle Michael always throw a wonderful New Year’s Eve party at their home and this year I’m so glad that I have Geary to share it with. He’s met some of my family before, but he’s never experienced the full McKenzie clan. We can be overwhelming, but as I walk up behind him while he’s talking to my cousin Joshua, I smile. Geary fits.
Joshua spots me first and grins. “I’ve just been telling Geary about that time I caught you and Madison by the river.” He wiggles his brows, teasing—at least I hope he’s only teasing.
I narrow my eyes and Geary laughs, tugging me into his side. “He didn’t get to the punchline if that helps.”
Rolling my eyes, I poke Joshua in the stomach. “I have so many stories inside my head to tell your intended,” I tease Joshua except his smile vanishes and all humor disappears.
“I’m going to get some fresh air,” Joshua mumbles.
I stare after him.
“I think I need to follow him. Something isn’t right.” Distracted, I kiss Geary on the cheek and sigh into him when he pulls me close.
“Your family are important to you Olivia, and that makes them important to me, so go and check on your cousin.” He smacks me on the bottom. “Derek is calling me over…Go.” He nudges me after Joshua, calling, “Make sure you put a jacket on.”
As though I’d forget that with the temperature outside. It’s below freezing with snow thick on the ground. I think everywhere I’ve been this December has had thick snow. For someone who loves the winter season, I’m actually excited for the summer.
The moment I open the back door the cold hits me in the face, so I pull the thick padded collar of my coat up until the lower half of my face is covered.
“You’ll freeze to death,” Joshua states.
“If you didn’t come outside then I’d be nice and warm inside.” I move closer to him and taking a long look at his face, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head against his chest. “I love you Josh, and when something is bothering you, I want to make it all better.” I sigh. “Except I can’t make it better because I don’t know what’s going on.”
Silence follows and eventually he relaxes against me and rests his chin on the top of my head. “I made a rookie mistake, and now things are awkward.”
“How?” I lift my head and hold his gaze until he tucks me against him once more.
“I went undercover with my boss at a nightclub. Things got a little…out of hand. We both got carried away and now I have to see her everyday, and there can never be more.” He breathes heavily. “I just need to get over it, or rather her, which is easier said than done.”
“Oh, I didn’t see that coming.”
“Me either,” Joshua mutters.
“Does she feel the same way?” I can’t resist asking.
“At the time. Yes. Now. She acts as though I’m just another one of her agents.”
“Maybe she feels the same, but if you think about it, she doesn’t have any other choice but to do her job and I bet you don’t make it easy for her. I mean you have those sexy blue eyes that all the girls used to fall over themselves for at high school.”
“Ugh,” he groans. “Please don’t remind me.”
I chuckle. “Will you come back inside? Please Josh.”
“Geary will hunt me down if I let you freeze,” he says, moving me with him inside the kitchen.
“Joshua,” I become serious again, “why don’t you try talking to her outside of work?” I shrug. “Perhaps you both just need to talk it out so that things can get back to normal.”
“If only I wanted things back to normal. I want everything Olivia.” Joshua