Page 32 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
Geary laughs. “Woman,” he walks closer and wraps his arms around my waist, “you are unique.”
“I’m glad we agree on that.”
Geary’s stomach growls and a light blush covers his cheeks. “Let’s go and find some food.”
Laughing, I push out of his arms and take his hand. “I have a keycard in my pocket.” I lead him to the door.
There is a long hallway toward the reception area and through that is the bar, where we’re just in time to order food before they close for the night. It’s busy with most of the seats taken as we look around.
“Want to join them?” Geary nods toward an older couple who continue to wave us over.
“They seem friendly.” I smile and feel Geary’s arm wrap around my waist to keep me close as we move toward the couple.
“Please join us. I’m Maureen and this is my husband, Harry.”
“Thank you. Is it always this busy?” I ask as Geary pulls out a chair for me before taking his own.
Harry replies, “We come here every year at this time and it usually is busy, however with how bad the weather is, it’s brought more people inside for shelter.” He shakes his head. “Don’t remember seeing the snow this bad in a very long time.”
“I know what you mean,” I comment. “I’m from Lexington and although we get snow, sometimes blizzard conditions, I’ve never seen it so bad.”
“Well,” Maureen adds, “at least we’re inside in the warmth.”
Her husband takes her hand, which is sweet. I glance at Geary and he has a soft look on his face as he turns his dark gaze and caresses my face. Geary leans in close and presses a sweet kiss to my cheek. “You take my breath away.” His lips brush against mine as he settles back in his chair.
I offer the other couple a small smile of apology because I momentarily forgot I wasn’t alone with Geary. Maureen’s eyes are filled with amusement as she looks between us. “How long have you both been together?”
Surprised, I pause
and glance to Geary who grins. “Not long.” He squeezes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “But she’s who I want to be with.”
“Oh wow, you are a handsome man and a sweet talker too, huh?” Maureen laughs. “You remind me of Harry when we first met.” She faces her husband and has a whimsical look on her face. “I was dating someone else at the time, but one handshake changed my life. I have what all the romance authors write about, a love that’s worth cherishing.” Clearing her throat she turns back to us. “When you find that one special person who turns your world upside down and your mind, don’t let them go.”
Without missing a beat, Geary replies, “I don’t plan to.”
My heart jumps in my chest and butterflies take flight.
During the meal, Maureen and Harry never stop talking, in a nice way. We now know their medical history, all about the lives of their children and grandchildren, and when they started asking about Geary and me, I started to feel uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure what ‘we’ are. We both want the other, and to spend time together, but Geary’s life isn’t in Lexington, which mine is. What happens when Christmas is over with? He said he didn’t plan to let me go, if I was reading him correctly, so what are we going to do?
On that thought, I force a smile and slide my hand to Geary’s thigh. He smiles and leaning into me, places a kiss to my cheek. “You ready to leave?” he whispers into my ear.
I nod and slip my hand into his. “I’m ready.” He smiles softly, helping me to my feet before he turns to the other couple. “We’re heading back to the room. It’s been a long day.”
Both Maureen and Harry give us a knowing look, which I try to ignore as a blush creeps up my neck and into my cheeks.
As we leave the bar area, Geary wraps his arm around my waist and holds me close. “My ears are ringing.”
“Mine too. They’re a sweet couple and have been together a long time.”
“I was surprised when they said they’d met at fourteen.” Geary shakes his head. “That’s forty years together. I don’t think I’ve met any couple who have spent forty years together.”
“My grandparents have been together forever.” I grin. “My parents too. Not forty years, but they’ve been together a long time, and they’re still very much in love.” I smile whimsically. “The McKenzie family know when they find someone special.”
“And what do you see when you look at me?” Geary asks quietly while opening the door to our room. He shuffles me inside so I take his hand and lead him over to one of the chairs by the fire.
I climb on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. “When I look at you Geary, I see a good honest man. One who makes my heart flutter in my chest when he looks at me. I see a man who has inner strength and a man who knows what he wants and goes after it.” I kiss the corner of his mouth. “I’m exactly where I want to be this Christmas, Geary, and it’s with you.”
Geary brushes the hair back from my shoulder before he lifts his hand and caresses along my cheek and jaw. “When I look at you Olivia, I see my future.”