Page 23 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
I really want to scream and shout, but accusing when I don’t have the full picture would be bad, especially when he looks just as crestfallen as I feel.
He sighs and lets out a breath. “I have no idea.” He looks around the fridge. “Nothing else was touched. Only the cake. It doesn’t make sense.”
“What are you talking about?” I glance between Marissa and Paul.
“During the night, someone came in here and destroyed the cake.” Marissa wraps an arm around my shoulders. “I’m so sorry Sofia. I don’t even know where to begin and I’ve been in the bakery business for twenty years.”
“The bakery was broken into?”
“No, not broken into, although someone did enter overnight.”
“Nothing is making sense.” I gasp. “What will I do today? Monica’s wedding is in a few hours and we don’t have a cake.” My breaths come out heavy and its only Marissa’s arms around me that keep me from a full-blown panic attack.
“We’ll think of something.” Marissa glances at Paul. “We have to.”
Not an hour before I was making love with the man I’ve fallen in love with, and now, this. “I’ve ruined Monica’s wedding,” I mumble, dropping onto a stool. “I promised her an amazing wedding cake. Now I have nothing.”
“Oh honey.” Marissa cups my face in her hands and brushes at my tears as they slip down my cheeks. “We need to think on how to fix this, but you have to know that it isn’t your fault. Someone has purposely destroyed the cake. It has nothing to do with you or your ability.”
“No buts.” Marissa grabs my shoulders. “We can do this, and if we can’t, then as the owner, I’ll be the one to explain.”
I shake my head; a sad smile on my lips while my heart is breaking. “I won’t let you do that. If anyone sorts this mess out then it’s going to be me. I just hope they’ll forgive me.”
“Stop blaming yourself, Sofia,” Paul says, having stayed silent. “If Shane blames you for what has happened then he doesn’t deserve you.” He disappears outside.
I lift my watery gaze to Marissa while I take her hand into mine and squeeze. “Thank you for offering, but I have to do this.”
“Isn’t there anything else in here we can use to make something presentable?” She asks, glancing around.
Sadly, I shake my head. “No. I’ve been concentrating on the wedding cake and haven’t had chance to make more sponge. Only had a few children’s birthday cakes this past week.” I sigh. “You know how I like to keep the schedule light on approach to a wedding.”
“You love him?” I sharply blink at Marissa, wondering where that came from. She smiles. “You’re worried about what he’ll think the most.”
“I’ve let them down when they believed in me.”
Marissa gives me a slight shake. “You listen to me. What happened to that cake was not your fault. I don’t know whom, why, or how, but I can assure you, I’ll find out. In the meantime I know where we can get a cake from, and I also know that we can get some flowers to decorate it with. It won’t be the cake, but Monica and Nate will still have a cake.” She smiles. “Shane is in love with you Sofia, he won’t blame you. Trust him.”
I’m left staring at Marissa’s back while I repeat what she said. My relationship with Shane has only just begun, and it’s been bumpy, which is why I’m nervous about his reaction today when he knows the expected cake won’t be arriving.
Trust him!
My belly flutters with nerves and I feel sick, but I have to do this. I have to make it right.
“If you glance at that watch once more, I’m removing it,” Monica says as she slides her arm through mine. “I’m about to marry for love and you’re making me think you can’t wait to be shut of me.”
“You’ll always be my sister, Monica. Marriage won’t change that.” I sigh and try to keep my worry for Sofia from showing. “I never thought I’d see the day when my bratty sister got married.” I brush a soft tendril of hair back from her face. “I’m honored to be walking you down the aisle, and I promise, I’m in no eager rush to be shut of you.”
Her eyes light up. “Ah, so it’s Sofia who you are watching for?” She grins. “Maybe I won’t be the only one getting married this year.” Wiggling her brows, she nudges into my side. “I like her, and right now she’ll be in the marquee seeing to the finishing touches of the cake.” She squeezes my arm. “Don’t worry.”
Not worrying is easier said than done, especially after the bumpy start to our relationship. Sofia McKenzie has always intrigued me, but it was the innocent blush that would coat her cheeks whenever we were in a room together that caught my attention first. Well, maybe after I’d noticed her shapely figure that she liked to hide beneath large aprons.
Ignoring the niggling doubt that something is wrong, I inhale deeply and turn to my sister. “Are you ready to become a wife?”