Page 14 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 3
The man with them murmurs, “Hmm.”
“Um, Roger.” Shane coughs to clear his throat, his eyes angry when they finally meet mine. “This is Sofia McKenzie, she’s the baker responsible for Monica’s wedding cake.”
I try to search his gaze but he won’t meet mine again.
I vaguely hear, “I think your father is here somewhere. Ruben right?” The man, Roger, says.
I nod. “I didn’t know you were friendly with the Fletchers.”
Shane quickly glances at me and all I want to do is flee. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here.” I turn to the man called Roger. “I’m no friend of the Fletchers.” I make sure Shane hears my words and then I’m pushing through everyone, only to be grabbed from behind.
“Sofia, wait,” my brother Ryan hisses. “Dammit, Sofia, slow down.”
Ignoring him, I run outside where I can finally breathe as I let the tears free that I’d held inside of me.
“What the hell happened to you in there?” My brother demands.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Sofia.” He takes hold of my shoulders and forces me to look at him. “
You are really upset, so telling me it doesn’t matter, isn’t going to cut it.”
“Just hold me.” I shove into his arms and as usual he’s there to hug and hold me. He holds me tightly and keeps kissing my forehead.
“I don’t know what to do when you’re like this.” Ryan tightens his hold and I’m not all that sure he’s going to let me go.
“You’re doing just fine.” I slide my hand down and intertwine my fingers with his, holding tightly. I don’t want to let go.
My heart drops when I hear my name out of Shane’s mouth.
I sniffle and face him. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”
“You caught me off guard. I had no idea you’d be there,” Shane says.
“That was obvious.”
“Not you again.” Ryan steps in front of me. “Leave her alone. I think you’ve caused my sister enough upset.”
“This has nothing to do with you.” Shane stands his ground with my brother and although I’d love to keep hiding behind Ryan, I can’t.
I step to the side of Ryan. “I kissed you and acted like we were a couple—that you said we are, or rather were—but you told everyone in ears shot that you had no idea why I kissed you. You never introduced me as your girlfriend, but I guess that’s because they already thought the woman on your arm was your girlfriend, right? Well, she’s welcome to you. I won’t ever be with anyone who is ashamed of being with me in public.”
“Dammit Sofia! Are you so insecure in our relationship that you run at the first sign of conflict?” Shane opens his arms. “I told you things I’ve never told anyone, yet you are so quick to judge me.”
I blink a few times wondering if the same man is stood in front of me. “Then explain to me why when I kissed you, you moved away, closer to the other woman? Because from where I was standing it looked like you hated my touch, and that you were embarrassed for me to be there. You introduced me as the baker, Shane,” I end, sadly.
Inhaling, my brother gives my hand an encouraging squeeze. “I think I’ll take my sister home. It’s cold standing out here, and I don’t like you.” Ryan tugs on my hand.
I allow Ryan to pull me away, and glancing over my shoulder as I do, Shane looks so sad that I hesitate in my step.
“Don’t,” Ryan warns. “You need to keep walking. This is the second time he’s hurt you, Sofia. Please find someone else.”
“I spent the weekend with him, Ryan.” I sigh. “We talked, and laughed, and just enjoyed the newness of a relationship. This morning he kissed me goodbye with plans for tonight.” My tears continue to run down my face as I admit, “I felt such a fool in there. I went up to him and kissed him on the cheek, my hand on his back, and he moved away from me as though he had no clue who I was. It hurts.”
Ryan untangles our hands and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “You deserve someone better. You know this.”