Page 96 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
He groans. “I really don’t want to talk about my sister.”
“Why?” I lift my gaze and hold his.
“My sister is as stubborn as my mom and is this perfect daughter. Does as she’s told with no questions asked. She’s being groomed to marry into money, not that she needs to with the trust fund left to us both by our grandparents. But that’s how Mom is. I don’t care about that stuff. I just want to get on with my life the way I want to without any interference from them. They’re paying my tuition and my share of the rent while I’m in college. Once I’ve finished at school, then I’ll hunt for a job, but I’ll also have my inheritance then too.” He lets out a sigh. “I don’t know what I want to do, Paige. You are the only thing I’m certain about, and I’ll go anywhere you want to. If you don’t want to stay in Boston, then we’ll leave. I’ll be happy anywhere as long as you’re with me.”
I feel him grin against the top of my head. “I mean every word.” He kisses me. “As for Cassandra, we’re not close and barely tolerate each other, so you don’t have anything to worry about. My sister will stay out of the way like always.”
“That’s sad really. You not getting along with your sister. Have you tried?”
He laughs. “Oh, I’ve tried and she goes straight to Mom and Dad. Dylan has been family to me since we met and bonded, and now you. In fact because of you, I have the McKenzie’s.”
“Getting ahead of yourself, huh?”
“Hell no, you just need to catch up babe.”
We spent a good deal of time at the river talking, which was nice, but tiring. After lunch back at home, we lounged in the hammock on the back deck and read the same book. It was a good story and the naughty scenes were certainly written to create heat because I felt the reaction to the words in Seth’s body, sprawled out beneath me.
Approaching the apartment Rachel shares with her husband, Paige starts shaking so softly that it’s more of a vibration. Her fingers constantly tangle together as though she’s wringing them out. She doesn’t stop until I remove my arm from around her waist and turn her to face me. I take her hands into mine and rub some warmth into them. “You’re reacting as though we’re heading towards a firing squad.”
“I’m nervous.” She looks around. “I shouldn’t be this nervous. I know it’s family, but I’m anxious.”
“Paige, stop talking.” I press my lips to hers, not giving her an inch of space to pull away, until I have to, to get air into my lungs. “I get that you’re nervous, but breathe. Breathe deeply for me. Come on.” I smile. “In and out.”
She inhales and exhales slowly before a smile finally lights up her face. “I’m fine now. Thank you.”
“You don’t ever need to thank me for looking out for you.” I kiss her cheek and intertwine our fingers together. “Let’s get this over with so you can relax.”
I tug her down the hallway, arriving just as the door to Rachel’s apartment swings open. The sisters, although twins, are so different in lots of ways.
Rachel wraps her arms around her sister and rapidly blinks away her tears so that Paige doesn’t see them as they pull away. “I’m glad I get dinner with you before Seth takes you back to Boston.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
Rachel laughs. “Oh yes you would, especially if you thought everyone was here.” She smirks. “We shared a belly, I know you.”
Paige laughs and rolls her eyes. “That again.”
“You’ll get that for the rest of our lives.” Rachel smiles, turning to me. “Don’t you look handsome.” She reaches up and hugs me tight, whispering, “Thank you for everything you’ve done for her.”
I swallow back my own emotions and take back Paige’s hand.
Rachel noticing just how anxious her sister is, adds, “There’s only Alexander, Dylan, and Joshua here.” She kisses Rachel on the cheek. “I wasn’t going to get everyone together until you’re ready. I promise Paige.”
“I’m sorry,” Paige mumbles, tears making her voice hoarse.
“Don’t be silly,” Rachel dismisses. “Our family are a handful together. Everyone understands, and you’ve seen grandma and grandad so that should hold everyone back for now.”
We follow Rachel into the main open-plan part of the apartment and we have Dylan coming straight at us, grinning like an idiot. “I was so right about you two,” he comments, tugging Paige away from me. “I said you’d end up together.”
I snort and shake my head. Joshua comes up behind him, clapping him on the shoulder. “You’d like to think you knew, but chances are, you didn’t.” He tugs Paige away from Dylan and hugs her close, keeping his arm around her neck.
He plays with the dark hair that isn’t as tamed as she’d like, but it doesn’t stop her from cuddling in against her cousin. Even when Alexander hugs her close, I notice how Joshua continues to touch her in some way. Dylan is the same.
They all want to know she’s okay.