Page 89 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
“We were never together in the first place.”
Dylan rolls his eyes. “Maybe not officially, but unofficially my family had you both married.” He smirks. “So this is only going to go one way. I can’t have my cousin and best friend not speaking.”
Afraid of what more might come out of his mouth, I stay silent and stew in peace. I know I was an asshole and should have just told her straight what was going on. I thought I was doing what was best for her, and as Dylan pointed out I was scared what she’d choose if I gave her a choice. But can I really go after her and explain, and maybe see how things can be between us away from where she was sick?
“Okay,” I say. “I’ll come back with you.” I grin. “You can help me clean up my mess in the house first, and then we’ll leave.” Frowning, I ask, “Should I call Ramon?”
“I’ll take care of that while you’re cleaning your shit up.”
“Why are you cleaning out the guest room?” I frown at my dad, Ramon, who has just finished making the bed with fresh linen.
“We’re going to have a guest staying with us for a short while.” He won’t meet my gaze as he fluffs the pillows.
“Anyone I know?” I hope they’re not going to be staying too long, I’m not in the most sociable of moods at the moment, thanks to Seth’s harsh dismissal.
His mother’s words are still ringing in my ears, and Seth’s lack of intervention drive the hurt even deeper. I never asked, or even expected Seth to take over and insist on being the one to help me through my treatment, but he had, which is why I can’t understand why he wanted me gone now. On my way home I’d tried to rationalize his actions, and my only conclusion is that my sickness finally tired him out, but I can’t find it in me to forgive him yet. I’ve fallen really hard for him and I’d been ready to transition our friendship into something more. How wrong I had been.
“Um, maybe,” Ramon answers with a wince.
“Do you not want me to know who it is? I’m not really up to entertaining Dad.”
Ramon walks around the bed and grasps ahold of my shoulders.
“Give him a chance, honey.” He leans forward and places a gentle kiss to my forehead.
“Him?” I mutter, just as I hear the front door creak and then muffled voices reach my ears.
Familiar voices!
My heart begins to pound when I hear Seth’s voice, my eyes narrowing into slits at Ramon. “He’s here?”
Standing with his hands placed strongly on his hips, he nods. “Let him explain, Paige.”
I shake my head, tears blinding me. “I can’t. He hurt me.”
“I know he did.”
I’m angry at them for letting him come here when they know what he’s done to me. He’s left a hole in my heart. I’m not sure I have the strength right now to do anything but hide. “I’m going to my room.” I turn and quickly get inside and lock the door before anyone can stop me. I hear Ramon call my name. I ignore him. I love both of my dads but right now I hate that they’ve done this to me; forced me to see Seth again. I don’t understand why they’d let him come here after everything.
A slight knock on my door followed by, “Paige, please open your door,” from Noah. “Please let me in.” I hear him sigh. “I’m alone,” he whispers.
Not bothering to grab a tissue, I cross my bedroom and unlock the door for Noah. He takes one look at my face and tugs me into his arms, holding me close. “I’m sorry we dropped this on you.” He kisses the top of my head and keeping his arms around me, shuffles me into my room, closing the door behind him.
“Why is he here?” I ask, tilting my tearstained face up to his.
He kisses my forehead. “Seth has been with you for months. He insisted he wanted to be there for you and we let him. He never once complained. Never once asked us for help. Even when I felt he was reaching his limit with stress and worry. He stayed by your side, and he helped you through what will probably be the worst time of your life. Now, he had pressure coming from all directions to move forward with his life and to let you come home.” He kisses my cheek. “Honey, that young man in the kitchen chose the wrong way about getting you to come home, but he had his reasons. You need to talk to him, let him explain.”
I blink wondering what pressure he’s talking about. “His parents?” I guess. “They’ve been on the phone a few times asking him when he’s going back to Boston.”
“Talk to Seth,” Noah says strongly, a wry smile on his lips. “I have a feeling he isn’t planning on leaving for a while…or so he says.” He kisses me on my other cheek and leaves me to my own thoughts.
There is a huge part of me that wants to talk to Seth because I do miss him terribly, but there is a part of me that hurts too badly. But it’s Seth, the man who held me through the worst of my sickness. He was always there for me, not once letting me think it was too much for him. So why once I was on the road to recovery did he have a change of heart? I don’t know how men think or this particular one, but in order to move on I do need to talk to him. Realistically I’m aware of that. I just want everything, especially my heart to stop hurting. I’m fed up of constantly being in pain.
Slowly opening my bedroom door, I slip downstairs, catching my breath when I see Seth. He’s tall and muscular with his dark hair longer now, growing out from the shaved military cut he’d had done when I’d had my head shaved. He is still as handsome as ever and it takes all my strength not to run and throw myself into his arms. I’ve missed him so much. I thought I would, but not to the extent I have. I’d lived with him for months. He’s seen me at my worst and my best, we know each other in and out.