Page 40 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
Olivia looks surprised. “Then I don’t get it.”
“You don’t need to get it. Even I don’t get it. But my heart feels heavy because I have to put her on a plane in the morning.” I run my hands through my short hair. “She’s only been in my apartment a short time, but I can’t imagine not being with her. We’ve waited for years to be together and now that we are, I don’t want to spend a night away from her.”
I get up and moving out from behind my desk, I pace. “I know I’m a grown man, but … but, I need her to breathe, Olivia.”
Olivia jumps up and grabs my hands. She wraps her fingers around mine and holds tight. “You have to stop getting so worked up. Rachel is going to be fine for a week, and so are you.” She smirks. “Just think about the fun you’ll have when you’re back together. Distance makes the heart grow fonder after all—” she trails off with a soft smile.
“Funny.” I shake my head and smile.
Kissing her on the forehead, I say, “Just wait until it’s your turn to fall in love. You’ll understand where I’m coming from.”
“I’m too young to fall in love, unlike my cousins … and brother.” She chuckles and drops back into the chair. I sit beside her, catching a sigh leave her lips.
“I visited Charlotte and Garrett earlier.” Grinning, she meets my eyes. “It was fun playing with Elias, and McKenna is such a sweet baby.”
“Getting baby fever, Sis?” I nudge her foot with mine.
Olivia becomes serious. “I’m twenty-four, so yeah I still agree that I’m too young—”
“—but, sometimes I wish that I had everything Charlotte does. Garrett is so completely in love with her and their children. She’s so happy Alex. And I think that I want that.” She looks off into the distance. “I guess with everyone falling like leaves, I’m feeling a bit out of the loop. I keep telling myself I’m too young, but am I really?”
She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I have a good job where I love doing what I do. I love my family, and I know everyone would be there for me if I ever needed them, but perhaps something really is missing from my life.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk like this before.” I watch her closely. “But, I will say, that if you are lucky enough to meet someone who turns your head, then don’t let the opportunity pass you by. You won’t know when it will arise again.”
I smile thinking about Rachel and her beautiful smile that she always gives me when she sees me. “There’s nothing like being with someone who you know loves you, who you know will be the one person you can always rely on.” I take one of her hands and intertwine our fingers. “It’s scary Olivia, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve waited a long time to have this chance with Rachel. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m not prepared to give her up for anything or anyone.”
Silence follows and then Olivia asks, “Does everyone in the family know about you both now?”
“I’m not sure.” I wince. “Jaxon does anyway.”
Olivia throws her head back and laughs. “I bet that went down well. What did he say?”
“He wasn’t happy to find out after Rachel had already left Boston to come to me. He said a lot of stuff made sense to him now though.” I shrug. “Rachel has been having trouble with Paige, which has interfered with everyone’s dynamic at college. He grumbled a bit, but finally said he’d see me when he was home.”
“Yeah, Mom said Jaxon wouldn’t be impressed he hadn’t known all along.”
“It is what it is.” I smile, and admit, “I really want to be on that plane with Rachel tomorrow.”
The chair squeaks as I lean against the back and follow the Lexington skyline with my eyes. I rapidly blink to get rid of the tears that have sprung up at the reminder of Rachel leaving.
I hear rustling and then my sister’s arms are wrapping around my chest from behind me. “I love you Alex, and if you want to fly over the ocean with Rachel then that’s what you have to do.” She kisses the side of my face, and continues, “I’ve heard that all you have to do is write up a few reports. You can do that on your laptop, right?”
My mouth opens to tell her no, except what comes out is, “Yes.”
Alexander is so comfortable.
We’re in first class and even though I have my own seat, I’d climbed on top of Alexander when we’d decided to catch up on some sleep. The plane is in darkness as we fly over the ocean and the other passengers are sleeping best they can thousands of miles above sea level; the turbulence is slight, every now and again.
I’ve napped but I don’t think it was for long and Alexander still snores softly against my ear.
I watch him sleeping and under the cover of the blanket, I slowly slide my hand down his chest and under his T-shirt. Feeling warm skin, I run my fingers back and forth above the waistband of his jeans.