Page 2 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
Except because of our family we try to live separate lives, which is much easier said than done. I’m coming to the end of my art history study program; my twin sister Paige will be finished too. Our two cousins, Dylan and Jaxon, also attend with us—all with different majors.
My cousin Dylan is on the college ice hockey team along with his best friend, Seth who Paige has trouble ignoring. Seth loves the attention from the ladies and that’s why Dylan always gets bent out of shape when Paige hovers and flirts back with Seth. Perhaps some light entertainment on my sisters’ behalf is what I need.
“Give me ten minutes to make myself look descent,” I say, shoving off of the sofa.
Paige pipes up happily, “You’re really coming?”
I smirk. “I think being around the hockey team will brighten my day.”
Ignoring her, I quickly dress in jeans and a long-sleeved hockey shirt with McKenzie on the back. I struggle and finally get my feet into my brown boots. Grabbing a sweatshirt from the chair in the corner of my room, I meet Paige at the door. “Ready.”
She rolls her eyes and I follow her out of the apartment while I chuckle to myself.
I do need this distraction and I need to make more of an effort. They’re my family and I love them, just not the way I love my cousin Alexander.
Paige wraps her arm around mine, a smile on her face. For twins we are so different; she’s a good two inches taller than me, she’s dark to my light brown hair. Our taste in clothes, food, and music is also different. But at the end of the day she’s my twin and my best friend. She’s well aware of where my heart lies even though we’ve never talked about it openly. Even with her encouragement over talking about Seth, I’ve stayed silent.
“Jaxon’s here.” Paige waves. “Oh, he’s brought a couple of friends.”
I groan when I notice Brad is one of them. He’s not as close to Jaxon as Tom, but Brad makes me a little bit uncomfortable because he always tries to get me alone. I don’t want to give him the wrong idea so sometimes I think I come across as a bitch. I’m not. I only want one man.
“Rachel, you came.” Jaxon gives me a tight hug, and whispers, “Brad hasn’t stopped talking about you.”
My heart sinks.
Jaxon frowns when he catches the dispassionate look on my face. I shake it off. “Forget it,” I mutter, pulling away.
“We need to go or we’ll be late.” Rachel grabs my hand and squeezes.
Sometimes I think she knows me better than anyone.
“I haven’t seen you around recently,” Brad comments, walking beside me.
Turning to look at him, I notice the gentle smile on his face. He’s a confident man, and a handsome one too. He’d make a good boyfriend for Paige instead of the womanizer, Seth, who she has her eyes on.
I answer Brad, “I’ve been tired since new year.” I shrug. “I’m fine now.”
“Good. I missed seeing your smile.” Brad coughs slightly and looks ahead, a slight blush to his cheeks.
Paige chuckles beside me.
Glancing at my sister, I shake my head discreetly.
We arrive late at the rink, but we quickly find seats and while we’re doing that, I watch the ice and notice Seth has seen us arrive. His eyes fix on Paige as Tom grabs her when she loses her balance. Next minute Seth gets shoved into the barrier and goes down.
“Paige.” I nod toward Seth.
It would appear that Paige’s attraction is returned a lot more than I thought. My gaze moves to Dylan as I finally drop down into a seat, and the way he looks between Paige and Seth isn’t good.
I know he wants to protect Paige because he knows exactly how his friend is. Personally, I think the only way is to let Paige and Seth get together and see where it takes them. Perhaps Paige is what he needs to stick with one particular girl. Of course Dylan doesn’t see it like that.
“Dresses,” Jaxon says.
Blinking, I give him my attention. “What did I miss?”
“That’s all he said.” Paige adds.
Jaxon continues, “Mom said to make sure you both have remembered to buy dresses for the wedding.”