Page 17 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
Quickly moving from the bed, my eyes land on a naked Alexander—a very aroused, naked Alexander. He smirks and tosses a white toweling robe at me.
“Put that on, and,” he tugs me into his arms, “come straight back to me the minute she leaves.” He kisses me quickly on the lips, but I still have time to tease him by pressing my palm along his hard erection.
He catches his breath, his hips straining toward me.
“So smooth and silky, yet to hard and thick,” I whisper, my hand wrapping around him and squeezing.
“If you don’t release me right now, Paige is going to cause even more of a scene.”
Bang. Bang. Bang.
“We’ll carry on soon.” I kiss him on the nose and run for my room.
I quickly lock the connecting door and hear Alexander do the same on his side. My bed looks too neat and tidy for me to have slept in it, so I quickly dive on top of it and roll around, knocking the pillows loose.
Standing up, I glance at the now messy bed and decide it will do. I make sure the robe is tightly fastened and after a glance through the peephole, I quickly open the door to my angry sister.
Paige shoves her way into my room while I shut the door behind her. She isn’t the only one angry especially as I see the time is two-thirty in the morning.
“What is wrong with you?” I fume. “Do you have any idea of the time? I was sleeping?”
“I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d come and talk to
I narrow my gaze. “You thought because you couldn’t sleep, so why should I, and you came to wake me up?”
“Why are you so angry?” Paige asks.
My sister is an idiot. “How can you ask that when you woke me up? Of course I’m angry. Why couldn’t whatever you had to say wait until morning.” I run my hands through my messy hair, and correct, “A more reasonable time in the morning.”
Paige stares at me. “I don’t like the way Alexander looks at you, or the way you look at him.”
“You’ve already told me that.”
“You didn’t listen.”
“I have no intention of listening to anything that involves me staying away from Alex,” I admit and notice the widening of her eyes.
“He’s our cousin,” she says quietly. “It’s not right.”
I’m so tired of everything and everyone being against Alex and I being together that I could cry, instead I stay silent.
“Don’t you have anything to say?”
“I’m not having this discussion with you or anyone. What I choose to do doesn’t have anything to do with you or anyone else. It’s my business.”
“I’m not just your sister, Rachel, I’m your twin. That’s supposed to mean something,” Paige says.
I sigh and just want her to leave. “Look, I love you, but you interfere too much in my life, and were Alexander is concerned, it’s none of your business.”
“He’s my cousin as well. We’re family.” She moves to stand in front of me, angry.
“I love him, Paige. My feelings for him are not going to change because you say they should.”
“You’re being stupid and stubborn,” she hisses. “Why can’t you see what this will do to the family?”
I stride to the door and opening it, say, “Not once have I ever heard you show concern for Alex and I. It’s always about you and everyone else. Doesn’t it matter to you that it hurts me beyond explanation when I’m not with him? Or that it hurts him?”