Page 12 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
It takes a moment for my brain to catch up with my mouth. “Why were you so rude to my cousin? I thought better of you.”
Derek grabs my wrist as I take off after Madison. I could break his hold as it’s loose but it’s the anguish in his eyes that stops me. “She’s—” he sighs. “It doesn’t matter. Tell her I’m sorry, and she does look beautiful. She’s the only woman I see.” He walks away toward his son, Tanner.
More confused than before, I hurry and find Madison outside in the cold, tears on her cheeks. “I shouldn’t have worn this dress.”
I have a feeling about what’s going on but I’m not too sure whether to say anything or not. What I do is wrap Madison up in my arms. “He didn’t mean those words, Madison.”
“He did,” she cries.
I put her away from me. “He told me he was sorry and that you’re beautiful.” I hold her gaze. “He’s attracted to you.”
“He doesn’t want to be though,” she mutters.
“Madison, he’s twenty-four years older than you are. I think that’s why he’s fighting the obvious attraction you both feel.”
“He’s never going to see me as anything but his daughter-in-laws cousin.” She give
s a sad smile. “I’ll get over it.”
I’m not too sure about that.
“Let’s go back inside. I’m cold and hungry.”
She groans in agreement. “I’m freezing.”
I usher her inside and thaw out as the warmth hits me.
“I wouldn’t mind skiing tomorrow before the wedding.” I ponder when I catch sight of the lodges map.
“Charlotte doesn’t want anyone on the slopes until after the wedding.” Madison grins. “After Ryan broke his ankle snowboarding out in Montana the day before Francesca got married, she doesn’t want to risk it.”
I roll my eyes. “It was his own fault for showing off in front of the girls on Spring break.”
“Yeah, well, this time I bet it would be Dylan to do something, so it’s probably for the best.”
“Explore on foot then?”
“I’m snowshoeing with Joshua, Olivia, Ryan, and I think Jaxon in the morning. Why don’t you join us?” Madison offers. “There will probably be more of us going by morning.”
I don’t want to commit because I desperately want to do something with Alexander.
“I’ll see,” I murmur.
Madison accepts my maybe with a soft grin.
We follow Aunt Rosie and Uncle Ruben into one of the dining rooms where the pre-wedding dinner has been set up to one side. There are four tables sitting seven to eight of us each.
Alexander is standing to the side with his gaze hooded and focused on me. I wink and quickly turn back to the seating chart, my heart speeding up when I realize I’m sitting next to Alexander.
“We’re sitting together,” I tell him when I feel Alexander behind me. “Olivia you’re with us,” I add when she appears.
“Doesn’t anyone else find it awkward to hook up with total strangers when we’re out with each other? Most of the time we all look like damn couples,” Olivia grumbles.
Alexander winces, and I turn, facing her. “Just have fun and you’ll meet someone when you least expect to.”
She glances between her brother and I before shaking her head and wandering off.
“Ignore her.” Alexander falls into step beside me. “Are you okay?” he asks softly.