Page 113 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
I knock his hands away, moaning. “That feels too good, but I really need to eat something Seth. We didn’t finish our meal last night, and it’s nearly one in the afternoon.”
He rolls his eyes while rolling me to my back and nuzzling between my breasts. “I’m hungry too.” Wiggling his brows he gives me a salacious grin.
Giggling, my fingers slide into his hair and I tug him up to meet my lips. “I love you, Seth.”
His face clears of all amusement and becoming serious, he smiles softly. “Every time you say those words to me, my heart pounds.” He brushes his lips over mine. “Every time, baby.” He kisses me again. “But, I love you more.” His mouth stops all discussion.
I keep my arm around Paige as we walk toward the rink for tonight’s game. Dylan keeps giving us the side-eye, while Jaxon keeps his arm wrapped up with his sister, Sofia’s. The sidewalks are busy, and the air is fresh with a bite to it now that the sun is setting.
I feel rejuvenated after spending most of the day in bed with Paige. At least it gave us both the chance to catch up on sleep as well as the other more pleasurable pastimes.
Leaning in and kissing Paige on the cheek, I nuzzle into her neck, and whisper, “Are you okay?”
“Cold.” I feel her shiver against my body, a frown marring my brow. “Don’t worry. It’s just the cold wind is getting to me.”
“We’ll be there soon, and you can put my sweatshirt on under your jacket to get warm.” I pull her closer, wanting to be able to wrap my own jacket around her, but I know it’s pointless offering because she won’t let me while it’s so cold. I can’t even promise she’ll get warm when we’re there because the rink isn’t known for warmth.
“What’s wrong?” Sofia asks, shivering next to Jax.
“We need to get inside.” I make sure Sofia is watching me and then I quickly glance at Paige and back to Sofia.
Sofia nods softly. “We have a block to go, right? Let’s hurry and I’ll go and get some hot chocolate with Paige.”
“Good idea.” I feel relief wash through me, knowing Sofia is now aware that Paige needs warming through. I hate her being uncomfortable, but most of all I don’t want her getting sick because her immune system hasn’t had a lot of time to recover from her sickness.
In no time at all, we’re shuffling through the doors and I’m tugging Paige away from the draft of the hallway. I drop my gear and quickly remove my jacket followed by my sweatshirt. “I’m going to get you warm.” I unzip Paige’s jacket and quickly take it off of her.
My sweatshirt is still warm from my body as I shove it over her head and on. It’s big on her. I grin. “You look so damn cute.” I grab a fist of the neck and pull her into me, sampling her sweet plump lips. “Mmm, I don’t want to leave you.”
She cups my face with freezing cold hands. “Go and win the game.”
“When you two have finished, we have somewhere to be,” Dylan grumbles, but as I turn to tell him where he can shove it, I realize he’s just as worried as I am about Paige. He grabs her jacket and puts it back on her himself, and even goes as far as zipping it all the way to her chin. He then places a kiss to her cheek, rubbing her shoulder before he follows Jaxon down the hallway.
“I’m okay, I promise and I’m already feeling the heat from your sweatshirt. Please don’t worry about me.”
“It’s easier said than done.” I kiss her briefly and gathering my gear up, I follow her cousins with a glance over my shoulders.
Sofia has linked Paige’s arm with her own as they head in the opposite direction to get drinks before the game.
Rounding the bend, I smack into Dylan who is pacing back and forth, his eyes worried.
“Is Paige okay?”
I open my mouth to reply and shut it quickly, frowning. “She’s been fine for a couple of months now.” I run a hand through my hair. “She was told that at the first sign of even minor sickness, that she had to go to the emergency room and ask for them to page her oncologist.” I hold his worried gaze while my heart pounds wondering if she’s getting sick again. “You don’t think—” I can’t even finish my thoughts.
“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.” He gives a mirthless laugh. “I just didn’t think it was as cold as Paige was.” He shrugs and crosses toward the locker room. He pauses before entering. “Seth, I’m sorry I worried you.”
I shake my head in denial. “You haven’t. I’m always aware that she can get sick really quickly. It’s always there every time she so much as sneezes.” I hold his gaze. “I love her Dylan. I’m not going to let fear ruin anything between us. I’m there for her no matter what, and I think she finally believes that too.”
Dylan pauses and then reaches out, grasping my arm. “You’re good for her, and even though I’m worried, I’m sure this time she was just chilled like she said.” He opens the door. “We’ll all keep an eye on her. It’s not just up to you.” He punches me in the shoulder and disappears into the locker room.
Although I’m worried and that won’t go away any time soon, it’s a relief knowing I’m not the only one there on a daily basis to keep an eye on her too. It takes some pressure off. I’m not sure what the hell I’d do if she gets sick again because she’s my world.