Page 102 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 2
Smiling softly, I cup his jaw. “You need something to eat first.”
“Don’t worry about me. The Prof had sandwiches and cakes left over from an earlier meeting so I helped myself.” He grins. “I also have a cake in my bag.” He kisses me on the nose and retrieves a plastic tub from his bag.
He snags my hand as he walks past and takes me into the bedroom.
“How am I going to eat the cake without a fork?” I take the container from his hands and peel back the lid.
Seth moves in behind me. “I was planning on using my fingers to spread the cream and sponge over your nipples, and lower...” He nibbles on my earlobe. “Mix the cream on the cake with the cream between your legs.”
I catch my breath as images rush through my head affecting my body the same way Seth is reacting. His rigid penis already pushes against my bottom through his jeans and my yoga pants. I push back, rotating my ass against him. “I could cover your cock with the cream and suck it off.”
Seth groans. “I’m going to burst out of my jeans with that image.”
“Get naked Seth.”
Getting hard behind the cup in my shorts is something I would never advise. Not even the pinch of skin and hair helps the erection wanting freedom. It’s my own damn fault for remembering last night with Paige. Her body had been spread out, a feast waiting for my mouth, just like my cock had been, covered in thick cream from the cake.
Hoping no one is looking, I quickly adjust the cup, wincing at the pinch of skin that gets caught. I glance over to the stands where Paige watches the practice, just as I hear, “Heads up, Reynolds,” too late to do anything about the puck that whacks me on the back of the head. I lose momentum and fly forward, landing with a thud on the ice. My vision blurs and I’m sure if I were in a cartoon I’d have Tweetie pie spinning around my head.
Jaxon is the first to reach me and goes down onto his knees, rolling me to my back. I slam my eyes shut willing the damn yellow bird to disappear, so I can focus.
“Thank fuck you had your helmet on,” Jaxon mutters, bending closer to look into my eyes. “I can’t believe you made a rookie mistake,” he scoffs. “Distracted by a girl. My cousin too, you asshole.”
“Jaxon! Leave him alone or I’ll tell your mother you need your mouth washing out,” Paige says, nudging him out of the way to hover over me. “Seth, are you okay? That was a hell of a whack.”
I grin. “My heads as hard as yours babe.” Trying to sit up doesn’t work too well as my vision swims before straightening out.
“ER for you Reynolds,” Coach orders. “Now.”
“I’ll take him.” Dylan skates up and rolls his eyes. “First day back on the ice and you do this.”
Paige takes my hand when I hold it out, but she isn’t strong enough to haul me to my feet. Dylan and Jaxon both take an arm, hauling me up and into Paige’s waiting arms. “You need to get changed first.”
“No way are you helping him, we’ll never get there.” Jaxon shudders. “I seriously don’t want to think about what you both could get up to in there.”
“Seriously, Jaxon?” Paige smirks. “I don’t mind describing every single detail for you.”
He looks appalled. “The girls in my family freak me out.” Jaxon looks to Seth. “You okay if I shoot off?”
“Go,” he groans, “your cousin is going to take very good care of me.”
He gives me the finger before skating off.
“I’ll be fine, Paige.” I grin. “At least I will be when I stop seeing two of you.”
She groans. “Dylan, you take him to the locker room. I’ll wait outside. Don’t be too long as we need to go.”
“I know. I’m on it.”
It turns out that I have a mild concussion and if I want to go home, Paige has to wake me throughout the night. Neither of us have a problem with that, although I think we both have different ideas as to how the waking up will happen.
“Will you take your hand off my bottom,” Paige says, trying to sound exasperated, even though a smile is trying to split her lips.
“You like my hands on your bottom,” I remind her, getting a raised brow in response to my teasing. “You like my mouth there too.” I grin as she slaps a hand over my mouth.