Page 87 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
Smiling, I drop onto one of the sun lounges that are in the shade on Sirena and Garrett’s private balcony with my sleeping nephew secured in my arms. I couldn’t resist collecting him from his bassinet on my way past, although I know my sister will have a few choice words for me when she discovers that fact.
Who can resist such a cute baby though? He sleeps with his thumb in his mouth and suckles away on the tip, which is damn cute. The soft murmurs he utters make me crave having the whole package…with Brooke.
I’ve never even considered this with a woman...a life, a family, everything Sirena has. Now, I can’t get the thoughts out of my head. Brooke is like a breath of fresh air whose smile lights me up from the inside. I want to know every little thing about her that makes her tick.
I certainly know how to pleasure her and we’ve got other ways to discover. I just may need to rethink the whole bit about her wearing my shirts because she’s too damn sexy in them. Like this morning. When I’d shoved her sister out of the door and gone looking for her, what I’d found had made me late for the meeting with her father.
“Mmm,” I hear mumbled beside me.
My thoughts close down as I turn my head and grin at Sirena. She’s more than my sister, she’s one of my best friends. We don’t tell each other everything because that would just be too weird considering, but I do tell her a lot of shit I probably should think about first.
“What’s gotten you so distracted that you risk waking my son, and you don’t even realize I’m sitting beside you?” She raises a brow. “Although I probably know your mind is on your girlfriend.”
I chuckle and when Elias groans and wiggles, I think better of it. “Brooke is on my mind,” I whisper, “but, I’ve come from a meeting with Mitchell and I think my time on the island isn’t going to be as long as originally planned.”
She frowns, but when Garrett walks up behind her and settles his hand on her shoulders, her face lights up. She tugs him down beside her, and urges, “You were saying.”
I sigh and look off into the distance.
“What’s happened that Mitchell doesn’t want you here anymore?” Garrett asks.
“It isn’t him,” I admit. “I have everything I need for now, but what I don’t have is my partner to talk things through and pass back and forth sketches until we get it right. It’s going to get more difficult for me to work here without that.” I turn to them. “You know Alexander and I work as a team and although I know I’m capable of handling this alone, it would be easier and less time consuming if he was involved as well.”
“So,” Garrett starts, “I’m guessing the reluctance now is because of Brooke?” He raises a brow.
“I want her to come back with me, but she hasn’t been on the island that long. A couple of days.” I laugh. “The same amount of time that I’ve known her.” I shake my head. “I keep thinking it’s wrong to want her to leave her family to join me back in the states.” I shrug. “I’ll let her know what’s going on and see what she wants to do. It’s the only thing I can do really.”
“And if she wants to stay here?” Sirena asks.
I stare at my sister. “I honestly don’t know.”
Glancing down at the precious bundle in my arms, I’m hoping I’m not about to get my heart broken.
“Well, if I can help in anyway, you know I will, right?”
“I know that.”
“Where is Brooke?” Garrett asks.
“She’s at the beach with her sister and a friend of hers.” I frown. “You know I don’t trust her sister and I’m not sure about Sinclair.”
“I’ve heard rumors about Carrie Jordan, which is why I think she might be hiding out here. Just keep a close eye on your girl around her.”
Unease settles on my stomach at Garrett’s words. “You know something?”
“Only whispers, and that’s all I’m about to say.” He smiles at his wife and tells her, “Don’t worry.” Leaning in, he kisses her on the forehead.
“I’m heading down there soon to meet them for lunch, so I’ll try and see what’s going on. Brooke is pretty easy to read.”
“Mmm, she is, huh?” Sirena teases and nudges my leg with her foot.
“None of that.” I laugh and Sirena nods her head in her son’s direction.
Elias is awake and watching every move I make while munching on his screwed up fist. “I think this little man is hungry.” I kiss him on the forehead and pass him to his mama.