Page 64 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
We sit on the sofas in the room and I lean back, sighing. “Everything I guess.” He waits quietly while I gather my thoughts. “I’m excited for this project, but I can’t help wondering if I’m taking on something I’m not experienced enough to handle.” There, I’ve said it.
Dad shakes his head. “If I didn’t think you could handle it, or any other project, then you and Alexander wouldn’t share the CEO position. I’ve seen what you can do, especially you. Don’t ever put yourself down. I’ve seen your talent and Mitchell Jordan has seen it, which is why you now have this opportunity. You and Alex work well together as a team, and he’ll have your back when it’s needed, so will Charlotte.”
“You think so?”
Dad tilts his head and watches me. “Are you sure it’s the project that’s really on your mind?”
I blow out a breath. “Yeah.” I’m not mentioning that I have a bad feeling about Mitchell and his plans for me with his oldest daughter. I’m hoping I read that situation completely wrong.
“Look, I know I stay out of the projects these days, but you know Sebastian and I are always around for you to ask us anything. The others as well. We’re still here to help. Don’t forget that.”
I smile. “I won’t. We have an amazing family, don’t we?”
He frowns and continues to watch me closely. “I’m really okay, Dad. Guess I’m just nervous about flying all that way.”
“You never did like flying. Used to stress your mom out.”
“I still don’t.” I glance at my watch. “I can’t put it off any longer or I’ll miss the flight.”
Standing, Dad wraps me in his arms. “Call and let us know when you land, okay? Unless you want your mother blowing up your phone.”
I know him well and it won’t just be my mom blowing up my phone to find out how I am.
“I promise. I’ll call you both before anyone else.”
It’s been two weeks since I landed on the beautiful island of Santorini, and I’ve yet to see more than the villa where I’m staying. It doesn’t bother me like it would my cousin and business partner, Alex. He’s the traveler amongst us or, rather, he usually is. Just thoughts of Alex are enough to give me a headache these days because the more I’ve watched him, the more I realize there is something going on between him and our cousin, Rachel.
Before I left Lexington, I’d made a point of mentioning that Rachel would be on her travels to Europe soon. Alex had become tense and closed off. So yeah, I’m worried about one of my best friends and both of my cousins. But, right now, I need to concentrate on what I’m doing and what I’m about to be forced to do, which isn’t one and the same.
Santorini is a beautiful island and the weather has been as I’d expect for an island in Greece. I love the island but I’m the guest of billionaire Mitchell Jordan. The man can be a shark and he definitely knows what he wants, which is what I’m currently trying to figure out.
He’s mentioned his eldest daughter Carrie more than a few times and how he’d love for her to meet someone to settle down with and give him grandchildren. Apparently, she’s the wilder of his two daughters and doesn’t want to risk his youngest being pulled astray by her sister. I honestly don’t want to have anything to do with his family. I believe that business and pleasure shouldn’t be mixed and it was hard enough to meet Mitchell’s deadlines without being weighed down with marriage. He’s never said anything outright that he wants me to be the groom to his wayward daughter, but that’s a feeling I get.
My sister’s husband, Garrett, doesn’t think Mitchell means anything by the comments he’s made to me, but I’m still not sure I trust Mitchell enough to move forward with the plans for his exclusive resort. It would be a blow to McKenzies, as well as Alex and I, if I walk away, which is why I’m still here.
I have to admit that Carrie is a looker and, until she opened her mouth, I might have been interested in taking her out to dinner, after she talks, no thank you. She has the body a man craves, but the intelligence of a turnip, and hints of a vicious streak. A feeling I get by the way she comes across. The whole package is off putting, which is why I’m constantly hiding in the private villa that I’ve been given to use indefinitely. It’s also why I’ve been up swimming at three or four in the morning to avoid her. I just wish I could work without the added stress of worrying about where Carrie will appear next. It’s something I don’t need. Except for Alex, I’d have already told Mitchell to keep his daughter away from me, and I think it will come to that eventually—maybe in an hour, after dinner.
Sighing heavily, I slip my feet into a pair of boat shoes and slowly make my way toward the large house where Mitchell and his family reside during the summer months. It’s like a palace, except it has sleek lines and stylish accents. I have the feeling that his wife had much more input in the designing than he had.
I really don’t know why anyone would want to spend months on end here though. I mean from what I’ve seen it is beautiful, but the heat is worse than back home. I’ve had at least three showers a day since arriving. Half the time, I can’t even sleep with anyth
ing on either the bed or me. Even now, as I approach the patio area, I can feel sweat running down my back, and between my ass cheeks. At least the navy blue cotton slacks will hide that, I’m not too sure I’ll get lucky with the white shirt.
“Ah, Michael,” Mitchell calls. “On time as usual.” He smiles. “I like punctuality.”
“So do I.” I accept the large glass of water with ice and lemon that he offers me.
It’s not that I dislike alcohol, I just know that if I drink while the weather is so hot, I’ll end up with a migraine, so I only drink water in this heat.
“How far have you gotten?”
I take a long swallow, and reply, “Not far to be honest. I’m still waiting for the adjusted measurements that I asked for. I should have some rough sketches in a week though.”
“That’s good.” He hits me on the back although I think it was supposed to be a pat. “Come and talk to Carrie, and meet Brooke’s friend, Sinclair.” He pushes me closer to the group. After the introductions, he ushers us into our seats at the dinner table.