Page 59 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
“I did wonder how he knew that you were in labor so that explains it.”
“I know that he never wanted children, but I never asked why. I’m just happy that I have you, and I hope you’ve called your lawyer friend to start the legal adoption.”
“I have.”
“Good.” I kiss his chest and hear my mother’s voice through the door seconds before it’s flung open and they all pile in.
My grandpa’s legs aren’t as strong as they used to be so he’s in a wheelchair, much to his annoyance. He only moans about it when grandma isn’t in earshot because he knows that it upsets her when he’s unhappy.
Their love is beautiful and they’ve set a good example.
I smile now at my parents as Mom holds Elias with Dad holding her close while we look on.
“Charlotte said you haven’t chosen a name yet,” Dad queries, raising a brow, probably knowing that my sister was just putting him off.
“That’s because we wanted to be the ones to tell you,” I answer.
“I’m not getting any younger,” Grandpa grumbles, but there’s amusement in his voice and gaze.
Seeing them in front of me, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the name out with bursting into tears. My emotions have been all over the place and just the thought has me choked up. So glancing at Garrett, he smiles softly and caresses my cheek.
“Do you want me to tell them?”
I nod and snuggle back into my husband’s arms.
“We’ve named our son, Elias Michael James Hudson,” Garrett’s voice catches on the Hudson.
Grandma is the first to break the silence. “What a beautiful name for a beautiful baby, who looks just like his grandpa.”
My smile turns into a laugh when Dad says, “I thought he looked just like me.”
Mom laughs and kisses Dad on the cheek. “That’s a beautiful name.” She smiles and moves Elias over to Grandpa’s waiting arms.
“Lily, don’t go anywhere in case this baby decides to have a wiggle.”
“I won’t.” Mom crouches on the floor in front of Grandpa, helping him to hold Elias.
“There’s four generations in this room,” Dad observes. “That’s something special.”
“We’ll ask Alexander to take a picture. He shouldn’t be too long,” I say. “I think he was collecting Rachel and Paige on his way. Everyone else is going to wait until we’re home to come and visit.”
“That boy is troubled,” Grandpa points out, commenting on Alexander’s recent behavior. “Has been for a while.”
“Hmm, I’ll mention something to Lucien. See if he can get to the bottom of what’s going on,” Dad says, sitting in the chair beside the bed.
He takes hold of my hand and asks, “How’s my girl doing?”
“I’m doing good. Garrett is making sure that I’m being taken care of.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” He kisses the back of my hand before letting go. “You’ve made your Grandpa’s day with naming his first great grandchild after him.”
“I know. That’s why I wanted to see his reaction when he was told.”
Dad smiles and becomes serious. “You’ve grown up into a beautiful young woman. I always knew you would, even though I blame you for the gray hairs.” He grins. “I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks Dad.” I turn my face and hide the tears of emotion into Garrett’s chest.
Dad then reaches across me and offers his hand to Garrett, “Congratulations, Daddy.”