Page 56 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
“He doesn’t have a leg to stand on after signing his rights away anyway.”
“He could still easily make trouble, but I don’t think he’s going to.”
She smiles. “As long as you’re okay with everything then I’ll stop being pissed.”
“I wish I knew how to solve your love life,” I admit. “I’m your sister and I want to make it better.”
“I feel better for just talking to you about him. I just miss him, and sometimes I just want to feel his arms around me.”
“Maybe he wants you just as badly but doesn’t know how to get out of whatever he’s involved in back home.”
“We never talk about that. I wish we did because it’s like having a huge elephant in the room, you know?”
“I know.” I gasp, grabbing my stomach. “Ouch,” I wail once I catch my breath.
Charlotte jumps to her feet and dashes around to my side. “What?”
“I don’t know.” I sigh.
“Sirena!” she hisses in frustration.
“Oh God,” I cry, panicked. “It hurts.”
“You’re in labor,” Charlotte states the obvious. “Let me call an ambulance.”
Harry had obviously stayed within earshot as he suddenly appears. “My cars right there,” he insists. “It will be a lot quicker.”
We hesitate but as another pain rips through me and I nearly double over, Charlotte makes the decision for me.
Seconds later, Harry sweeps me off my feet, racing for his car.
“Has your water broken?” Charlotte asks.
“No,” I pant. “I’m scared Charlotte. It isn’t supposed to happen this quickly.”
“I read that women can be in slow labor for days, and then suddenly it’s all action.”
I’m settled against Charlotte in the backseat as Harry puts his foot down.
Charlotte continues, “There was one woman who had backache for a week and then she delivered within twenty minutes of what she thought was labor.”
“Oh no! I’ve had backache throughout my pregnancy, but it’s been slightly worse for a few days.”
Charlotte starts laughing. “And you’re the pregnant one.”
“I want Garrett.” I pant. “Please get him.” I start to cry.
Running into the reception area of the delivery suite, I feel ready to fall over with anxiety. My wife had been well this morning with no signs of anything, and although I’ve been told it’s quiet normal to be two weeks early, my heart hasn’t stopped beating hard since Charlotte’s call.
My eyes land on a nurse in scrubs behind the desk, and her calm, smiling face helps to settle me some.
“My wife, Sirena Hudson. I need to find her.”
“Ah, you must be Garrett.” She smiles. “She’s refusing to push until you arrive.”