Page 41 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
My eyes widen in surprise at seeing Tina and Charles Bennett at the door. My feet move me slowly toward them in confusion. “What are you both doing here?”
Tina looks between the two of us, and nervously asks, “May we come in?”
Garrett looks at me for guidance, which I appreciate, even though at the same time I’m hoping he’ll say no. They make me nervous now they know that I’m pregnant. It hasn’t been said, but I have a feeling that they’ve discovered Harry fathered the child I’m carrying. I’d rather send them away, but I’ll worry unless I hear them out.
Stepping away, I indicate for them to join us in the living room. “Please take a seat.”
“Thank you,” Tina says.
Charles clears his throat. “Thank you for seeing us.” He winces. “I thought you might have told us to leave.”
I smile sadly, and add, “You haven’t given us cause to do that.”
As Garrett sits beside me, I reach for his hand, intertwining our fingers. “Going back to Sirena’s question, what are you both doing here?” Garrett asks.
“Harry hasn’t once mentioned that you’re pregnant,” Charles says. “And, I know you want us to believe that Garrett is the father of your child, I just don’t think he is. You were with Harry then Sirena, and although I wish I didn’t know what Harry was like, we do know that you wouldn’t have been unfaithful to him.” He pauses while my mouth goes dry. “I’m asking you to be honest with us, and please tell us the truth.”
I glance at Garrett and find his gaze on me, and with just that look, I realize that I’m not going to tell them anything until I’ve talked to him.
I squeeze his hand and turn my attention back to Harry’s parents. “Doctor’s orders are for me to be resting so that my blood pressure doesn’t get dangerously high, but can we please have this conversation another time? I’d like time to talk to Garrett first.”
Tina looks to her husband for direction while Charles stares at me. “I think,” he pauses, “that you’ve just answered the question.”
“I probably have, but before we talk any further I’m going to talk to Garrett. He’s going to be my husband as soon as it can be arranged. So him and our child come first.”
Charles opens his mouth to say something, but Tina places her hand on his arm, and says, “I know you put up with a lot from Harry, and as his mother, I’d like to apologize for his behavior toward you.” She nervously glances at her husband. “All we’re asking is that you let us, in someway, be part of your child’s life.”
I reach up and rub at my forehead while catching Garrett’s concerned gaze.
“Why don’t you let Sirena get some rest and we’ll be in touch.” Garrett stands and waits for Tina and Charles to do the same. “I’ll show you out.”
Tina looks as though she wants to say something else, but Charles ushers her out with him.
I do
n’t pay too much attention to what is going on at the front door, I just want them gone so that I can think. I hadn’t expected to see them at Nirvana, or especially at my home.
My temples throb now that I’ve been given the added worry about what they actually want. Do they just want to have visits with our child or are they going to want more in the future.
Resting my head against the arm of the chair, I sit back with my feet up, and close my eyes. I smile softly when my legs are lifted up slightly and cushions are shoved beneath.
“I’ll always take care of you,” Garrett says.
I slowly open my eyes and find him sitting on the floor at the side of me. “That wasn’t expected, huh?”
Reaching out, I caress his jaw and rub my fingers along his beautiful lips before meeting his gaze. “I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t once given thought to Harry’s parents.” I smile sadly and let Garrett take my hand. “I only met them once and Harry didn’t really get along with his dad, so he kept me away from them.”
“You do realize that you don’t have to do anything to please them?”
“I know, but now that they’ve shown interest in our child, I really don’t know what to do. I feel bad for them, but at the same time, I don’t want to have anything to do with Harry ever again. That’s all over with.” I sigh. “And as soon as our child is here we’re going to make everything legal so that no one can ever take him or her away from you. You’re the father no matter what.”
“We’ll do all that.” He smiles and kisses the back of my hand, holding it close to his cheek. “If you want to let them visit with the baby, then I’m okay with that. I just want you to know that incase I’m the reason why you’re holding back.”
“Before we bumped into them everything was so straightforward, and now I feel unsettled. I know what the right thing to do is, I just don’t want Harry to come along and cause more trouble once the baby is here. I mean do you know the legal ramifications if Harry changes his mind?”
“I’m not sure he can change his mind, but if the adoption is made legal then I don’t think there is anything he can do because he’s the one who willingly gave up his rights.”
“Ugh!” I moan and sitting up, hold my hands out to Garrett for him to help me up. “I’m hungry and don’t want to think about it for the rest of the day.”