Page 19 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
“It’s Williams key,” she stutters.
“You step foot in this house again and I will be the one calling the police. Do I make myself clear?”
She stares in shock while I offer her a smirk.
“Make sure you tell William that as of tomorrow the key you have to my house will no longer fit so you might as well toss it.” To the officers, he says, “Please can you escort them from my property and if they refuse I have no problem with you arresting them.”
The older officers looks as though he hopes they’ll give him trouble and the younger one rubs his hands together.
“Garrett, I’m married to your brother, how can you do this to me?” Jenny wails, taking a step forward.
Shaking his head, Garrett stands with his hands on his hips, and tells her, “You came uninvited into our home,” he takes my hand, “and called the police to have my pregnant girlfriend, who happens to live here, arrested, causing her undue stress.” He sits opposite me on the coffee table and places a kiss to each of my hands, and says to Jenny, “Sirena will, and always, come first. Now I’ve asked you to leave.”
“We have better things to be doing, so let’s go.” The elder officer stands ready to toss them out.
“I’m sorry,” Annalise whispers and as I meet her gaze, she looks close to tears. “I just went along, I didn’t realize . . .”
Jenny grabs her arm and drags her outside before anything else can be said and Garrett loudly exhales before walking over to the officers. He shakes their hands and then the front door is closed as he leans against it, his worried eyes on me.
“I’m sorry, Garrett,” I offer. “I’m causing you all kinds of problems.”
“Oh, honey.” He quickly moves and sits on the coffee table again and his hands rub my thighs. “You haven’t caused anything and you are exactly where I want you, which is inside my home.”
I tip my head to the side. “I don’t think I can thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.”
He smiles softly. “No thanks are needed.” He blushes. “Can I get you anything?”
“All I want is right in front of me.”
I don’t have anything to say in reply to Sirena’s soft words, and for once I’m left speechless. She grins at my silence and taking my hand, stands, tugging me up with her. “I need a nap,” she mumbles, heading toward the stairs.
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” I slip my hand free and wrap it around her shoulders.
“It was a shock having them just come inside and then the police showing up.” She shrugs. “Your sister-in-law has the impression that she can get away with anything, or at least she did.”
“That reminds me.” I pull my cell from my pocket once we reach the bedroom. “I need to talk to my brother.” I toss it to the bed first and help Sirena get comfortable and remove her shoes.
Taking one of her hands in mine, I palm my cell with the other. “I need to do this quickly, okay?”
“It’s okay.”
Dialing my brother, I don’t have long to wait and my call is answered quickly.
“Garrett, I need to apologize to you for Jenny’s behavior today,” William quickly says. “I’ve no idea what’s gotten into her, but she had no right going to your home without your permission and I’ve told her so. Will you please pass on my regrets for the intrusion to your girlfriend as well? I really am sorry.” He finally pauses for breath.
“William, it’s taken a while for us to get to were we are today, and I’ve no wish to go back to how it was before.”
“I agree.”
“Therefore you need to make it clear to your wife that she is no longer welcome in my home unless otherwise invited. I’m also changing the locks as soon as it can be arranged.”
Sirena turns on her side and the sleepy look that crosses her face makes me want to end the call and climb onto the bed with her. It’s not only what I want but it’s also what I need more than anything.
William is going on about something but I tell him, “I have to go,” before turning the cell off and dropping it to the floor. To Sirena, I say, “He has his hands full.” I grin. “And so do I, but in a much better way than he does.”