Page 155 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
Tanner grunts and hisses, his body taut with tension and then I feel the first splash of his release at the back of my throat. I suck harder and hear him curse as he continues to spill his seed against my tongue.
I lap him up and giggle when he twitches, tugging his flesh free. “No more,” he rushes out, helping me up from the floor. “Later, I’m going to show you how to make love in the freezing snow.” He smirks, smacking my bottom. “Get the pajamas on.”
“You just want to see me covered in penguins.” I pout and watch as he shoves his legs into a pair of briefs and pajama pants.
His eyes light with mirth. “I’d love to see you covered in something.”
I blush and quickly pull the pajamas on before adding, “I think that could be arranged.”
His eyes widen in surprise as I slip out of the bedroom, laughing.
“That wasn't funny,” he grumbles.
“I thought it was.” I spot Derek in the kitchen lost in a world of his own as he drinks coffee and stares out of the window. “Merry Christmas, Derek.” I reach up and kiss his cheek before giving him a hug.
“Happy Christmas to you Charlotte, and you son.” He hugs Tanner and they exchange a look that has me confused.
Tanner notices and grins, s
haking his head. “Soon.” He kisses my forehead and pours us both a cup of coffee. Taking my first sip, my stomach growls.
“Baked French toast is nearly ready.” Derek smiles softly at Tanner before catching my eye. “Christmas morning is the only time we eat it. Been a tradition since Tanner was born.”
I wrap an arm around Tanner’s waist and his arm slips over my shoulders. “That’s a nice tradition to have.”
“What are your traditions, Charlotte?” Derek asks, checking the food in the oven.
“Well, today I would have been waking at my parents’ house, along with Michael, and Joshua. Sirena has been there in the past but she’s starting her own traditions with Garrett, and Elias.” I sit at the breakfast nook. “Dad would make us all breakfast: pancakes, bacon, eggs, bread pudding. He spoils us, but he’s done it every year for Mom. I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do for her.”
“That’s what love is. Once you’ve had that, it’s difficult to find anyone to come close.” Derek shrugs.
I glance at Tanner and continue, “After breakfast, we’d exchange gifts before relaxing for a few hours in front of the television. We’d head out mid-afternoon to my grandparents’ house where we’d meet up with our aunts, uncles, and cousins. Each family always takes a few dishes of food so that my grandparents don’t have to do anything.” I smile with fondness. “The evening before we’d go around and set everything up so it was ready. Table and chairs mainly. Our Christmases are always loud and boisterous.”
“You must call your family, Charlotte.” Derek places the French toast on the table. “As soon as we’ve opened presents.”
“I will.” I grin, slipping my fingers through Tanner’s. “I’m kinda enjoying this Christmas, a lot.”
Derek chuckles. “Hmm, I bet.”
Tanner snaps his eyes to his dad and raises a brow. “You were saying.”
“I wasn’t saying anything, but I do think we need to eat up so that we can get to the presents.”
“Tanner did warn me that you’re just as eager to watch me open my present from him.”
“You have no idea,” Derek drawls and then ignores me but I didn’t miss the secretive smile on his lips.
Turning to Tanner, he has his face stuck in his breakfast but looks amused as well.
These two are up to something as I glance between them. They’re like little kids busting a gut to keep a secret inside. Rolling my eyes, I pinch a piece of food from Tanner’s plate, getting his attention as I pop it into my mouth. “You are thinking about your secret and ignoring me.”
He grins with a mouthful of food, shoveling more in. “I wait twelve months to eat my favorite breakfast, except this year, I’m eager to be finished.”
“It is good,” I comment. “Very good.” Wiping my plate clean with the last piece, I eye my impatient boyfriend, and laugh.
“Presents!” He jumps up, dragging me with him, excitement in his every move. At the tree, he pulls a small, red box from between a couple of branches and looking at me with love in his gaze, gets down onto one knee.
My heart thumps wildly while blood rushes through my head at what he’s about to do…what he's doing.