Page 144 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
I squeeze her shoulders. “But this year, I want us to visit the lot and find a huge tree. We’ll get lights and decorations. Start afresh with ones that will last from year to year, that our children will be excited to place on the tree.”
“Getting ahead of yourself, Mr. Jackson, aren’t you?” She grins, her smile wide and her eyes alight with mirth.
“I don’t think so, Miss. McKenzie. I know exactly where I want you for the next seventy-eighty years.”
“And where’s that?”
“Right by my side.”
“I like that idea… So, we’re going to buy a tree, huh?”
“I think we should follow it with hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows.” I grin. “And I know where we can get them.”
I frown at the serious way Charlotte says my name and hold her troubled gaze.
“How are your friends going to react to us being together so soon after…” she waves a hand around, which I catch into mine.
“My friends are going to love you, and like Bo, they know that I haven’t been happy with Emma. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
“You sure?”
“I’m positive.” I rise up slightly and press a quick kiss to her lips. “They’ll see how much I love you.” I grin. “Besides, Bo has probably told the whole town that I finally have my soul mate living with me.”
“Hmm, can we please have a walk around town?” She smiles. “I love Christmas and the way the stores smell. Cinnamon. Apple. Spices. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.”
“We can. I know where I’ll take you.” I kiss her lips before rolling out of the bed.
Her eyes trail over me, giving new meaning to erection.
The cold is biting and th
e snow crunches under our booted feet, but I’ve never been as happy. Tanner holds my gloved hand in his as we walk along the sidewalk. It’s busier than I thought it would be with shoppers weighed down by heavy bags, an elderly woman across the street has help with her dolly from a police officer. It must be too heavy with groceries for her to pull in the cold.
Trees are planted along the sidewalk with festive lights strung up, the branches showing the overnight snow we had. A number of storefronts have striped awnings with colorful and welcoming displays. Tanner told me all the businesses along this main street are family owned—the deli, coffeehouse, bakery, and of course, one of my favorite stores, a bookstore.
“Look,” Tanner whispers, his word leaving a trail of vapor in the cold as he tugs me closer to a store. “Look through the window.”
Excited at what he wants me to see, I place the arch of my palm against the glass store window and peer inside. I smile in delight at the beautiful display to fascinate children and adults alike. The Christmas train is slowly moving around the large figure eight track. It has bright parcels overflowing from the open carriages, with people, dressed in Victorian clothing, in the windows of the passenger cars. It’s magical to watch and has me transfixed.
Tanner moves behind me, wraps his arms around my midriff, and places his chin on my shoulder. “Every Christmas since I was small, my mother would bring me to this store to watch this exact train.” He pauses. “It took a long time for me to come back after she died. It became easier as the years moved on, but she would have liked me sharing this with you.”
Tears hover on my lashes as I think about him coming here alone, and the memories his visit would hold.
“Lets go inside,” he suggests and taking my hand, leads me into the store.
“It’s beautiful,” I whisper, delighted. “It’s like a treasure trove of all things past.”
Tanner hums in my ear. “It is, and I think we’ll find something amazing in here for Garret and Sirena’s son.”
I clap my hands with glee. Thirty minutes later, we’re leaving the store with a large package held in Tanners hand. Elias’s first train set. “We’ll take him this after Christmas.” I meet his gaze and add, “You will come back with me, right? For a little while?”
He cups my face with a gloved hand. “I’ve been thinking, as we’re having Christmas here, I thought that we could have New Year with your family in Lexington. My dad can come with us. I don’t really want him alone around the holidays.”