Page 129 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
She swallows and nods, giving me a wry smile. “It’s okay. At least we’re going to get snowed in together.”
I groan. “That isn’t helping.” Curling an arm around her waist, I lead her upstairs. “This is the only guest room we have so I hope you’ll be okay in here.” The room isn’t perfect but it’s comfortable. “The bed has fresh linen.” I chuckle. “Mary, a woman from town, comes in a couple of days a week to clean. She always puts clean linen on this bed as well as mine.”
Charlotte chuckles. “She’s looking after you.”
“She always says that one never knows when an unexpected guest will arrive.” I roll my eyes. “She’s done it for years. No breaking the habit now.”
“You’re making me nervous,” Charlotte admits, biting her bottom lip. It’s been a long time since they were alone together in a bedroom.
Heat floods my cock as I reach forward and tug her bottom lip free. Her eyes flare with heat and I come close to embarrassing myself when she wraps her tongue around the tip of my finger, pulling it inside her wet mouth.
“You have me so close to pushing you down on the bed behind you…and you wouldn’t be able to walk afterwards. Neither would I,” I growl.
Challenge flares in her eyes as she rests her hands on my chest. Slowly caressing down my stomach, she dips lower, I can’t bring myself to stop her. I need to feel her hands on me. I’ve missed this woman more than my last breath. Having her here, in front of me, unleashes the fire in my stomach, and the desire in my balls that I’ve felt with her.
Her hand brushing over my erection causes a hiss to burst from between my teeth. She does it again and my treacherous flesh twitches and jerks against her palm. I quickly catch her wrist before she touches me again. I strain against my zipper imagining her mouth doing what she’s doing to my finger, but on my cock. Memories of those lips of hers have kept me awake at night.
My finger pops free of her mouth, and I quickly turn, stride out of the room and close her door. I lean against the wall, trying to catch my breath and rein in the release that is really close to the surface.
“Fuck!” I curse quietly.
She’s been inside my home for all of five minutes and I’m already seconds from coming in my jeans like a randy teenager.
I need to get myself under control but I can’t do that while I’m in the same room as Charlotte, especially when there’s a bed so close. Hell, whom I kidding. A wall will do. A floor even.
Pushing away from the wall, I shout, “The bathroom is through the door, everything you need should be in there. There’s a robe behind the door.” I don’t wait for a response and run downstairs to start the coffee.
I need a huge distraction to get my mind off of Charlotte. Knowing she’s upstairs, getting undressed and going to be bathing isn’t helping though.
Remember Emma!
“Emma,” I growl, and head for the phone on the wall. I pick up the receiver and debate the wisdom of telling her over the phone, and realize I can’t end things that way. We’ve been together since high school and no matter what she’s done...or the fact that I want to join Charlotte in the bath, Emma deserves more than a mere phone call. I’m not that big an asshole.
She didn’t consider you when she fucked someone else!
My conscience is a pain in the ass.
You did similar, even if you had just ended things!
“Ugh!” I grab the phone again and realize the line must be down. No dial tone.
I stomp away to the breakfast nook and looking through the large windows, the storm has gone from bad to worse. Not a thing can be seen.
Gently lying back in the warm water, I sigh as my bruised body settles. I have some amazing bruising, but I’m not about to complain too much. If I hadn’t had my seatbelt fastened, I might not have been here now.
The roads had been icy but I’d navigated them just fine despite my thoughts being on my destination. However, even leaving space between me, and the cars around me, didn’t help when the car in front of me jackknifed across the three lanes and bumped into my rental sending me spinning. I was sure as heck lucky to walk away with only bruising. I know that there were at least two fatalities in the pile up.
Tears spring to my eyes as I think about the people who didn’t survive the crash and I feel myself shaking despite being warmed by the water. The bruising around my shoulder is the worst, but it’s also extensive over my hipbones…all from where the seatbelt had kept me safe.
Seeing Tanner in my hospital room had been a surprise and until the officer had shown up, I’d been confused as to how he knew I was there. I wasn’t about to complain because it means that I’m with the man I love.
I hadn’t meant to tempt him back in the
bedroom, or had I? I know that I crave having his hands on me. That I need to place my mouth on him so I’m reminded of his taste—of how he feels. He’s all man with his long muscular legs, and thighs that would be the envy of any football player. The thought has my fingers twitching to touch him, just like they had when we’d first met.