Page 107 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
He ignores my comment and orders some strong coffee, which I’m not going to refuse.
“Can you also bring me a bottle of still water please?” I add.
The waiter smiles. “Yes, ma’am.”
Dad chuckles because he knows how much I hate being called ma’am. “He’s only being polite, honey.”
“I think he was more amused than polite.” I watch my father and realize he’s avoiding the important conversation. “What’s really going on?” I ask.
He runs his hands through his hair. “You’re sister has gotten herself into a spot of trouble,” he starts, “but it’s being taken care of.”
“Dad,” I moan, “I want to know what exactly, so please stop putting off telling me?”
He pauses and I know he’s about to lie to me.
“I want the truth and if you don’t give me that, I’m walking out of here, and I won’t see or talk to you or Mom until you’ve apologized and told me the truth. I’ve had enough.” I sit back in my seat and wait, I’ve never been this forceful but it’s clear that I wanted to know.
He drops his head and keeps his gaze on me. He isn’t the businessman he is without having a few tricks up his sleeve, but I’m not falling for that. Not now.
“Damn it, Brooke, your mother doesn’t want you to know.”
“Dad, I thought I was part of this family.”
“You’re my baby and it’s up to a father to protect her. I failed your sister, but I don’t want to fail you. I can’t.” His anguish is now apparent, but I know he’s going to tell me. “But, as much as I don’t want to, I don’t think I have a choice, and you do have the right to know.”
He pauses and waits for the waiter to bring our coffee.
“Your sister,” he whispers, “got in with the wrong crowd. I’m talking drugs. She also has a weakness for nice things. Her money is gone—credit cards maxed out, and she can’t afford to live on the money she was getting from the shares.” He sighs. “I thought I was helping by changing her payments from monthly to weekly, thinking that she wouldn’t spend as much. But that isn’t the case.”
He runs his hands through his hair. “I think when she visited you, she was desperate,” he winces.
“It’s okay Dad, I figured that one out for myself.”
He nods. “To cut a long story short, she’s in Canada, which you can’t tell anyone, and she’s in rehab there. They’re going to take good care of her. I’ve covered everything she owes so I know she’s going to be safe when she’s home.”
“I don’t understand how I never knew she was using. How is that possible?”
“None of us saw her on drugs, I don’t think. I’m sure we’d have noticed. She lived alone in the city and only spent family time when she needed money or, as I realize now, when she needed somewhere to hide. I shouldn’t have let it go on for as long as it did, and that’s on me.”
I reach out and grab my dad’s hand. “You’re getting her help, which is all that matters.” I offer him a wry smile. “You also know if it hadn’t gotten so bad, she wouldn’t be getting the help that she needs.”
“You’re right. You always are.” He smiles and, squeezing my hand, he lets me go. “You’re just like your mother.”
“I’ll take that as the highest compliment then.” I grin.
“You do that.” He clears his throat. “You look happy, Brooke.”
“I am Dad. I love Michael, and I’m going to be staying in Lexington.” I sit forward. “My editor says that as long as I can be there for the monthly meetings, then she doesn’t see why I can’t work from here. I mean, in New York, I worked from home most of the time.”
“I’m happy for you Brooke, so is your mother. The McKenzie’s have a good reputation, which is why I went to them for the resort.”
“Michael and Alexander are really excited for that. They’ve had a few meetings in the evening at our house and their ideas are going to blow you away.”
He sits back and laughs. “I already love their work, no need to sell them, honey.”
Chuckling, I add, “I’m sorry. I can’t help it.”
“I’ll be in town again in a week or two and your mother will be with me. We’ll all get together for dinner,” he suggests.