Page 10 of McKenzie Cousins Box Set 1
The minute I see Sirena swallowed up in the large bed, I realize that I’m where I need to be. She’s curled up on her side but her gaze holds mine as I make my way closer and drop into a chair beside her bed.
“Hey, you.” I sit forward and reach for her hand.
“If you’re alright here, I’m going to head home,” Charlotte says standing over me.
I offer her a sleepy smile. “Go and sleep, sis . . . and thank you for everything.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” Charlotte looks worried as she leans over the bed and kisses my forehead. Her eyes lift and look to the opposite side at Garrett. “Sirena has my number, please call me if she needs anything.”
Before I have time to wonder why she would say that to Garrett, who I expect to leave with her, he says, “I’ll call.”
Charlotte leaves and Garrett smiles. “You’re thinking rather loudly . . . I’m not going anywhere.”
I’m relieved that Garrett wants to stay with me, but I feel bad that it’s so late and he looks tired. Biting my lip, I offer, “You should go and get some sleep as well.”
He shakes his head. “I’m not leaving you, and that’s final.” He kisses my knuckles. “Unless you really don’t want me here.”
At his words my eyes fill with tears and I find Garrett standing over me, his thumbs wiping away the tears that slowly trickle down my face.
“You don’t know me,” I whisper. “How can you want to stay with me?”
“Shush, honey.” He glances at the door and then at me while his brain is obviously working overtime on something I’m hoping he’ll share.
“There is something between us, at least there is on my part, and right now I just have to be here with you so that I know you’re okay. I know it doesn’t really make sense to either of us, but it’s there.”
I’m embarrassed with how open he is about his feelings for me because since I met Harry I’ve always shied away from opening up because he’d always hurt me with his callousness. Garrett is the opposite and I need to learn to share with a man again, with Garrett. “You’re not alone. I feel it too.” His eyes immediately caress my face as though he’s searching for the truth.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Ask me anything,” I offer.
“I don’t see your wedding ring, but if he comes to you and begs you to go back to him what will you do? I need to know now before I let this happen.”
Sighing, I admit, “I won’t be going back to him, Garrett. We got married over a weekend in Vegas and it’s the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, but I’ll never call my baby a mistake.”
“Oh honey,” he takes my face between his palms, “a child is only ever a gift.”
“Harry doesn’t think so. He had me sign papers giving up his rights to my baby.” I try to smile but somehow don’t manage it.
“He did what?” Garrett fumes, angry on my behalf.
I reach up and trace along his jaw and watch as his eyes change from anger to pleasure. “I was upset at first, but then I felt relieved. I’m afraid of doing all this on my own Garrett, but I’m glad he no longer has a say in anything.”
He nods. “Can I hold you? I just want you to know how safe you are with me?” he asks, a shy smile gracing his beautiful lips.
I fight happy tears at his request and biting my lip, I move slightly over, giving him enough room to climb onto the bed. He wraps his arms around me. It’s a bit awkward because my belly is in the way, but it feels good to be in his arms.
“I can’t remember the last time anyone held me like this,” I admit. “My family are always hugging me, but this, it’s different and I’m afraid that I like it too much.”
His hold subtly tightens around me, and his fingers splay out along my back as he kisses my forehead. “I already like it too much.”
Silence follows as I feel myself drifting to sleep, but then I have a thought, and I mumble, “Why didn’t you call me?”
Holding his gaze, he says, “I’m older, Sirena.”