Page 7 of Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers 5.50)
“You can watch him some more as we have more to rehearse,” Reece grins from above us.
Jack caresses my ass while his lips hover over mine. “I promise not to make you cry again while I’m singing, so go and enjoy your time with the girls.” He kisses me quickly, then lingers and kisses me again before jumping back up to the stage and indicating for me to go sit.
I grin and make sure there’s more than the usual swagger in my step, because I know that Jack’s eyes will be on me until I take my seat again and d
o my usual wink.
“You still have that guy wrapped around your little finger,” Mara comments.
“As though you don’t have Donovan in the same position,” I counter, amused. “So tell us,” I glance at Callie and then back to Mara, “how did Donovan take the twins news?”
“Hmm.” Mara sighs. “To be honest, he took it really well once he stopped laughing and realized it wasn’t a joke.” She shakes her head, a soft smile hovering on her lips. “He is the sweetest man and he’s done nothing but reassure me that we’ll manage to the point that I actually believe him.”
I wrap my arm around Mara’s shoulders and hug her. “Don’t forget you have us as well as your mom and sisters. We’re only a phone call away, Mara.”
“I know and I can assure you that I’ll probably be needing you guys.” Mara squeezes my hand. “The doctor told us that they’d have to monitor me more closely now that they’ve discovered I’m having twins. I don’t mind.” She shrugs. “At least they’ll be able to catch if there’s anything wrong early enough, and who knows, I might deliver early.”
“Just be prepared for that,” Callie advises, an odd look on her face. “I delivered early with Ben. I was so not prepared. Less so than Reece.”
“Talking about Reece, how did he take Robin working here?” I take a drink of my water and meet Callie’s gaze.
“The same as he always takes news about one of his sisters,” Callie drawls. “Five minutes after talking to Robin, he was fine with it.” She sighs. “Until he walked in here and saw Leo, the new barman.”
“He’s cute,” Mara comments. “I see were he’s coming from though. Leo looks around Robin’s age.”
“Don’t tell Reece this, but Leo goes to the same college as Robin.”
I raise my brow at Callie’s whispered words and catch the surprise on Mara’s face from the corner of my eyes. Then I have a thought, “Do you think Robin knows him? Like they both planned this to be together?” I grin, getting excited at the prospect, although Callie will probably need a strong drink if that’s the case and Reece finds out.
Callie groans. “God, I hope not. I will distract him later, but if they planned this he’s gonna be pissed.”
“My brother needs to calm down. Robin is old enough to make her own decisions. I mean I was married before I turned twenty-one.” Mara stares at Leo. “And if they have worked this out between the two of them, then they have to care about one another, right? Robin isn’t one to make spur of the moment decisions.”
I silently agree with Mara while I listen to our men as they sing song after song. My eyes continue to sneak glances at Jack and I always find his eyes on me. He sings for me, I know this, but it’s nice seeing the heated look on his face.
Way back when he sang as Phoenix, he would look at me the same way. Sometimes, I miss him using his old stage name, but once we married he wanted to leave the name behind. He no longer needed to hide behind it.
Two hours later the guys jump down from the stage and join us around the tables that we’ve pulled together to make one large one.
Jack is sweaty, and looks so damn hot that I struggle to keep my hands off him. It doesn’t last for long though as I slip my palm to his thigh. When I get into hard territory he clasps his own hand over mine to keep me still. His head drops to my shoulder as he whispers, “You still horny, babe?”
“Mmm,” I moan as he nibbles down my neck.
My eyes close as I enjoy my husband’s touch on my aroused body.
“We’re leaving,” Jack announces, and tugs me from the chair.
Our family and friends laugh.
“Seriously? You’re really going to drag her out of here?” Reece questions, but I catch the amusement he can’t hide.
“Damn straight.” Jack grabs my jacket and helps me into it, wrapping an arm around my neck. “We’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“Jack,” I protest as he leads me from Kix into the cold afternoon. “I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye.”
“Honey, you and our kids are my heart, but right now, I need you alone.” He turns my head and slams his lips down on mine, his tongue pushing for access.
I moan into his mouth and wrap my tongue around his. His mouth is hot, hard, and insistent as my hands hold him to me. I don’t want him to stop, but…whistling and howling can suddenly be heard from behind us.