Page 95 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
Draft – Subject to Change
alya, I’m not sure about this,” I moaned, worrying at my bottom lip with my teeth.
“Look, you said you wanted to change. So I’m helping you do that.” Talya grinned. “You were hot on that pole at class, which makes me think you’ve done something like that before.” She raised a brow in question.
I squirmed in discomfort, because I didn’t want to admit about my past, but this was my friend, right?
Sucking it up, I admitted, “My family had some financial problems due to medical expenses for my father, during my first year of college. They wanted me to go home because they couldn’t afford my fees. My living expenses were covered with my job in the coffee shop. Anyway, there was an advertisement for a new club that had opened, so I went along. Instead of being offered a waitress job, they offered me a dancer position.”
Talya cracked up laughing. “Oh my God. You’re serious? Well, shit.” She chuckled. “I’m sorry, but you seem more like the church going person than the dancer type.”
If only she knew how right that statement was.
“Look, I made enough money at it to see me through the first year of college, until my parents where back on their feet. Most nights I enjoyed it because it made me feel as though I could accomplish anything. I mean, I know being a pole dancer isn’t exactly big time, but for someone who is as shy as me, it felt as though it was a start.”
“I’m sorry I laughed. It just didn’t sound like you, so it took me by surprise.” Talya reached out and squeezed my hand.
“I know. I was brought up believing sex outside of marriage was a sin, which I guess is why I tried it more than a few times as soon as I left home.” I gave Talya a sly look. “I like hot, sweaty sex. Burns a lot of calories.”
Unable to help myself, I burst into a fit of giggles when I saw the startled look on my friends’ face, before we sobered up.
“Then if you like hot, sweaty sex, why are you having a panic attack at the thought of coming into this club with me?”
“I’m n—” I started to deny the fact, and then added, “I don’t know.”
“I do. And it has everything to do with Ramon McKenzie. You need to stop seeing him and get a life. There are more hot guys out there who’d love the chance to take you out, and I’m not just meaning for sex.” She took hold of my hand as we crossed the street.
“I’m used to him, and I like him. He’s good to me when he’s around.”
Eric jumped into my thoughts. He confused me.
“C’mon. We’ll go in here for a drink and a dance and then we’ll leave, okay?”
I nodded, not really paying attention, because I’d gotten lost in thoughts of Eric.
Was it possible to be attracted to two men at the same time? I didn’t think that I was one of those women, but with how frequently he’d been in my thoughts, whether I was conscious or unconscious in sleep, I’d started to think that I was.
Whereas before my heart would leap when Ramon entered the office, it had started doing that with the sight of Eric. It was no wonder that I was confused, especially with the hot and cold signals Eric threw at me all the time.
“Sylvia, you’re not listening to me,” Talya complained.
“Sorry.” I came back to the here and now, and realized we were outside of Kenza.
My heart sank.
“Stop with that look. I told you last week about having tickets for tonight, and you agreed. So here we are.”
Talya was right, and I did remember agreeing to come with her tonight.
Talya could make me dizzy sometimes with her plans and with how quickly she sorted things out. I was more laid back, unless I was at work. There I needed to be ready to act, which I guessed was why I was so lazy in my private life.
I’d met Talya during my last year of college at the coffee shop where I used to work. Talya was a customer who’d spend all day in the shop using the free Wi-Fi. We’d hit it off and had been best friends ever since.
We were nothing alike. Where Talya was tall, slim with a short, dark-haired bob that surrounded her face and a decent rack size, I was short, and slim with big boobs.
Most guys talked to my chest instead of my face and, more often than not, I’d let it slide, but with others, it pissed me the fuck off and they discovered just what a five-foot nothing could do.