Page 75 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
“Sappy?” I repeat.
“That smile has hardly left your face since you’ve gotten here. Dahlia nearly fell down the porch steps when she caught sight of you with that grin on your face.” He passes me a bottle of water, which I guzzle down in one.
“I always smile,” I defend, knowing damn well what he means. “Always, brother.”
“Hey, don’t you give me that whatever because you know what I’m trying to ask without asking…fucker.”
Giving in, I start laughing. Ryder joins in, which is how Reece, Dahlia’s brother, finds us.
“Is this private or can anyone join in?” he asks, taking up residence in the only chair that’s been brought into the living room, so far.
“My brother is all sappy over a girl.”
“How old are you? Twelve?” I shake my head, and decide now is a good a time as any to take a break. I drop to the floor, and lean against the outside wall.
“Teasing aside,” Ryder starts before he drops down beside me, “I’m glad you finally have your head screwed on right with Savannah. She makes you happy, and that’s been a long time in coming.”
This isn’t a conversation I want to be having in front of others. Reece might be Dahlia’s brother, but I hardly know him. We’ve met once or twice, but never actually hung out.
Closing my eyes to hopefully give Ryder the message that I don’t want to talk, all I see is Savannah looking beautiful—her red hair cascading in curls around her naked form, and red lipstick on her plump lips.
I don’t think my dick has ever been used as much in the past as it has been over the past seven days with Savannah. Every night we’ve spent in my bed, and every morning we’ve woken up and started again until things like life intruded.
“Hell. I gotta go. Donovan and Mara have two flat tires on the highway, and as expected, they only have one spare with them.”
“You need some help?” Ryder offers.
“No, we’ll manage. I’m just going to pick them up and get a tow-truck out to them. I’ll be back later to collect Callie.”
Reece races off to help his friends, which leaves us in silence, until I look around, and point out, “Nothing is going to be inside unless we get off our asses, and then you’ll be in trouble with Dahlia.”
“She’ll be okay when I tell her we’ve been having a heart to heart.” He grins.
“So, what are we talking about in this heart to heart?” I ask, even though I know the answer—me.
“Go on. Let’s get this over with. What do you want to know?” I relax back with my hands resting on my knees.
“Fuck, Jace. You’re my brother and I want to know how you’re doing. Why do you have to act like it’s an inquisition?”
Now I feel like shit as the lead settles in my stomach.
“Sorry, it just gets old, you know? I’m the older brother. The one who is supposed to watch out for you, but it isn’t working out that way and it pisses me off.”
He looks at me incredulously. “You help me, and look out for me. What are you doing here? Why did you call, giving up some of your time to help me get this house ready so I can move my family in? You’re always helping me, Jace. You’re always checking up on me as well, otherwise, you wouldn’t be calling down at Kix as regularly as you’ve started doing.”
I grin at the latter part. “You don’t think your beautiful wife and daughter have anything to do with that, huh?”
He points a finger. “Nope. None.”
“You’re a smug bastard.”