Page 51 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
“Hmm, well I think,” she stands to her full height, and removes her dress over her head, “that we need to create a new memory.”
My mouth hangs open at the erotic display in front of me. Her legs are slightly parted and I find it damn difficult to move my eyes further up her body from her pussy where I can see her clit peeping out, begging for my tongue. The curve of her hips, her quivering stomach, her breasts and, most of all, her beautiful face are all begging for my touch.
Swallowing, I still feel parched and can’t get my words out, so instead, I talk with action and pat the space to my side. I want her beside me so I can sample her delicious curves and hopefully take my time—something that didn’t happen our first time together.
“You have too many clothes on.” Savannah straddles my thighs and starts to unfasten my cargo shorts—very, very slowly.
By the time she has them unfastened, my dick is hard as fuck and eager to go. I’m not sure how wise it was to remove the barrier between us when I want to touch her so badly. It’s too late now, though.
Backing off my thighs, she takes my cargos and briefs, letting them fall to the floor before she crawls up the lounger beside me. I don’t even want to know why she has a double lounger, but I’ve never been so glad.
Her naked curves press against my side…and I lose all sense of control. Yanking my shirt over my head, I let it fall to my side before I roll onto Savannah, pushing her back into the lounger. My balls nestle between her spread thighs, and I sink deeper against her wet pussy as her silken legs wrap around my waist.
There’s no way I’m going to be able to go as slow as I want, but I’m sure as hell going to try.
Resting on my elbows at either side of her, I cup her head in my hands and, holding her still, dip down for a drink of her lips. The minute our mouths fuse together, I slide my tongue between Savannah’s plump lips and fuse with hers in a dance as old as time.
Her hands caress the plains of my back until she reaches my ass, where she digs her nails into the flesh. A growl rips from my mouth as a bolt of pleasure courses through me straight to my dick—lengthening and hardening my already swollen cock.
“I’m not going to last,” I whisper into her neck, while trying to control the urge to enter and pound into her until we’re both too exhausted to move.
She bites my earlobe. “Fuck me, Jace.”
Her dirty mouth is so out of character that it fucking turns me on. But I need and want to put my mouth to her first.
“I will.” I caress her lips with mine before placing feather-like kisses along her neck. I move lower with each kiss…her collarbone…the arousing slopes of her breasts. “Release your legs.”
She groans but lets them drop to the lounger.
Kneeling, I cup her breasts in my hands and sigh in pleasure when they overflow. I keep my eyes on Savannah and dip my head to swirl my tongue around each hard bud, which swell to their fullest under my tongue.
“Mmm,” she arches up, her head thrown back and her arms reaching above her, “you’re good at that. I feel like I could come from you doing that alone.” She squirms under me, until I use my weight to keep her still.
Grinning, I rub my stomach against her wet pussy and move further down, licking my way along to her naval before dipping inside with my tongue. Moving on, I caress each hipbone before I finally arrive at my original destination. But first, I need to do some rearranging because I’m about to fall off the damn lounger.
“One minute.” Jumping up with less finesse than I would have liked, I grab a cushion from one of the patio chairs beside us and drop it to the floor at the foot of the lounger. “Ready.”
Kneeling on the cushion, I lean over the lounger and rest my upper body between the sexiest pair of legs I’ve ever had the privilege of lying between.
Grabbing Savannah by her delicate ankles, I slide her towards my waiting mouth, exploring her thighs as I move closer and closer to where I want to be, and where she needs me to be. Placing her legs over my shoulders, I turn my head and kiss the top of each thigh in turn.
Savannah’s torso quivers under my heavy-lidded gaze and as I use my hands to caress and arouse her further, I dip my tongue into the core of my woman… My dick surges with arousal, trapped between my body and the lounger.
Feeling Jace’s wet tongue against me causes delightful sensations to rush through my body, and his tormented groan is a heady invitation. My eyes close in pleasure as my back arches. Throwing my head back, I squirm under his sinful mouth.
Panting and twisting under him, I open my eyes and meet his hot gaze…and then he sucks on my clit and the long, slow moan that releases from between my lips has Jace cursing and raring up to cover my body with his.
Cocooned against him, my breasts tingle as they brush his hair-roughened chest and my hips move on their own, searching to join to him in the most basic of ways.
The intensity on his face as he looks down at me, tells me everything I need to know without words. I’m guessing he’s finding it difficult to voice.
He closes his eyes and drops his head into the curve of my neck, saying, “Condom, in my wallet,” while rocking his hips against my wet core.
Not wanting him to move, I admit, “I’m safe, Jace.”