Page 47 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
“What’s with the clock watching?” Ryder nods toward my watch.
“It’s nothing.” I turn back and continue with the roller on the wall.
The room that we’re doing now is going to be Faith’s bedroom, which is why my hands are currently covered in Pink Sparkle paint.
“Are you expecting someone?”
“Should you be somewhere?”
I hesitate before answering, “Nope.”
We continue painting in silence, but I can feel Ryder sending me occasional looks. Eventually, I cave, “Savannah invited me to Tammy’s birthday party. It’s probably finished now.”
It hasn’t finished.
I feel the stillness in the room as I turn and face my brother.
“You mean the little girl she wants guardianship of?”
I nod, and toss the roller back into the tray. Running my hands through my hair and over my face in exhaustion, I step to the window and looking out, I don’t really see anything.
“Then why aren’t you there?”
I look at him incredulously. “Are you serious? I promised to help you empty this place.”
“You could have called and told me.”
“Look, if Reece and the others had been free to help as well, then I would have gone, but there’s no way I was going to leave you to handle all this on your own.”
Perching on the windowsill, I glance at Ryder and watch him studying me with that penetrating glare he has going on. I’ve told him many a time that he’d be good as a cop, especially during interrogation.
“I would have handled it, and yeah, it would have taken a few hours longer, but dammit, Savannah is important to you. And I sure as hell know that Tammy is since you haven’t shut up about her since you arrived.”
“She’s just a little girl…fuck. I need to be there. I’m so—”
“Don’t you dare apologize…You might want to swing by Kix and wash up before you go, though.”
“Yeah,” I search for the keys to my truck, “that’s a good idea.”
* * * * *
As clean as I can be after hours of home renovations, I find myself standing in front of Golden Circle…hesitating before I finally knock, and then wait for someone to answer.
On the way over here, I’ve gone through so many emotions that I don’t know what the hell to say. If we’d had an argument, then it would be a lot easier to pick the right words to settle the storm I’d created, but this is all new to me. I’ve never had to chase before, which is probably why the nerves are shooting sparks in my gut.
As the door opens, I get a peek at her shiny hair, which is loose, before I see her beautiful face…and the surprise she’s unable to hide.
“Jace, I thought you had something else to do?” she asks, blocking the entrance.
I swallow my tongue at the delicious picture she’s making. Her pink sundress really shouldn’t be worn in the sun because every inch of her is on display with the sun shining through from the back of the home. “I gave you the brush off line the other night. I sure as hell didn’t mean to. It just popped out before my mouth could connect to my brain. I’m sorry.” I take a step toward her, and inwardly sigh in relief when she moves to let me in.
“Um, you do know you’re covered in pink glitter, right?” She smiles, and reaches up to brush some from the scruff covering my jaw before she hesitates.
Taking her hand, I kiss her fingers. “I was helping Ryder clear out their new home and paint.” I smile. “He wanted to paint Faith’s room first, hence the glitter.” I keep her fingers in my hand as I shut the door behind me, but neither of us move from our spot by the door. “I was burying my head in the sand about hurting you with my callous words after an amazing evening.” I cup her face. “I was an asshole.” I kiss her forehead. “In the end, I realized that I couldn’t miss Tammy’s party, and as soon as that thought was in my head, I realized that I couldn’t let you down again.”
“Okay,” she whispers, her hands resting on my shirt as she looks up at me. “Those words hurt me Jace. You made me feel cheap, as though you only wanted a quick fuck.”