Page 41 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
Chapter Twelve
I can’t believe I ended up telling her what I wanted to do in regards to Tammy. I certainly wasn’t lying to her, or using Tammy as an excuse to get into Savannah’s little panties, but I did intend to wait. We do need to talk a lot more about it because I have no clue as to how I can help her, although I have a feeling that she’d have a better shot if we were living together as a couple, and there lies my dilemma.
Sighing, I hold her tightly in my arms… What more could I ask for? I have my woman curled up against me as we lie with the stars overhead.
Where we are tonight is one of my favorite places to think and just to escape to when I feel close to losing my hold on reality.
The field where we’re parked is close to Kix and overlooks the lake. I’ve reversed through the trees to give us more privacy—not that I expect to be found out here—and a better view of the skyline. The stars twinkling through the trees shimmer with secrets of their own. Heaven knows they hold a lot of mine.
As my hand caresses over Savannah’s curves, I’m fighting to keep myself from ravishing her, which is why I avoid looking at her. Her own hand is lying on my chest, and her fingers have slipped through the gap between the buttons.
Just having her touch on my skin has me hard as fuck. In fact, I’m so fucking hard right now that I’d probably scare Savannah away.
When she stretches, and relaxes back against me, her leg curves upwards over my hips and rests against my erection, which throbs even more with her touch.
I gasp, and clamp my hand down on her bottom when she wiggles around. “Don’t move.”
Her head snaps up and as our gazes meet, I realize I’m lost. This is going to happen tonight.
Inhaling, I try to rein myself in, but all it does is bring her scent into my lungs.
With a growl, I cup her face in my hands and bring her up to meet my lips. My control is lost the minute our lips fuse together. She tastes of the tiramisu, and as it hits my tongue, I dig deeper—sucking and licking and sliding against her tongue—wanting and needing more of her.
Groaning, my hand slides down her curves until it cups her bottom. I help her move on top of me, her leg sliding between mine. As she searches for my lips again, my hips surge up, desperate for more friction against my throbbing dick and balls.
While she’s holding my head in place, I use my hands to caress down her back to her round bottom and press her into me as I arch up into her.
Savannah can’t seem to stay still, and her hips are rolling in time to mine. I’ve no intention of dry humping to release—this time I’m going to come inside her delicious body.
Reaching for the zipper of her dress, I pull it down and catch her sigh of pleasure when I do. With a stronger roll of her hips, she pushes up and straddles me. Seconds later, she pulls her dress up and over her head, tossing it to the side of us. Before I can get my brain to fully register what I’m seeing, she has her bra off.
I close my eyes and pray for calm, but no matter how much I try, my dick feels ready to burst.
“Jace,” she moans her voice husky, “open your eyes, and look at me.”
I do as she asks and meet her gaze, which is clouded with lust, embarras
sment, and uncertainty.
“I’m afraid to move my eyes south in case I embarrass myself,” I admit.
Swallowing down my lust, I move my hands and caress up her thighs. My fingers tingle as they’re met with fine silk, and then the lace top before I’m met with skin.
God help me, she’s in thigh-highs!
I gulp in air and try to breathe, but as my hands slowly slide toward her hips and up to her waist, I pause and move back down.
“What?” I raise my head, and drop it back to the bed of the truck. She has no fucking panties on.
I’m so fucking lost.
Ripping my shirt over my head, I finally look my fill at the sexy woman sitting astride me. She’s beautiful.
Her large breasts are firm with cherry nipples that are rock hard buds. Reaching toward them, I roll each one between my fingers, and surge against her with arousal when she throws her head back and moans—long and husky.
“Savannah, I’m holding on by a thread.”