Page 33 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
Groaning, he closes his eyes. “When we’re alone at my place, I’ll return the favor tenfold. In fact, once I get you in my bed, I doubt you’ll be out for a while.”
“Keep me there forever, Jace.”
He pauses, and then says, “That’s my intention.”
“Where have you been all my life?” I raise my head and meet his gaze.
“Right here.”
“Is it safe to come out,” Ryder shouts from a crack in his bedroom door.
“Five minutes earlier,” Jace whispers with a groan.
I chuckle. “It’s safe.”
Resting my head against Jace’s chest, I turn my face to kiss his chest before getting into a sitting position. It’s uncomfortable lying on him while his brother and wife are looking on. If I knew them well then it wouldn’t be a problem, but this feels weird.
Jace winces as he tries to discreetly rearrange himself in his shorts while sitting up. He catches my eye and smirks in male satisfaction while I feel my face heat up.
Being in Jace’s arms is what I’ve wanted since we first met, and I’ve lost count of the number of X-rated dreams I’ve had since then. But never in my life have I been so forward as to instigate a blowjob. Richard had hinted on more than one occasion that he’d be into it, but I’d been less than enthusiastic, which I’d been unable to hide.
Not so with Jace. I’d wanted to put my hands and mouth on him so badly and, even knowing that his brother was in the room next door and could walk out any minute, hadn’t dimmed my craving to have him in my mouth.
His penis is long and thick, and the thought of having him inside me has my body in a state of arousal that I’m afraid I’m going to be unable to hide. In fact, if I carry on thinking along those lines, I’m going to stay highly flushed.
“What are you thinking about?” Jace interrupts my sexy thoughts, and picks up my hand in his before caressing my knuckles with his lips.
Quickly glancing over my shoulder to the kitchen where Ryder and Dahlia are with their baby, I turn back to Jace and narrow my eyes when I see the teasing light in his.
Smiling, I place my other hand on his thigh and slowly caress upwards.
His eyes darken before his other hand covers mine. “I think we need to calm down,” he hisses.
“I agree.”
We entwine our fingers, and I change the subject from us to softball, “When is the charity softball game taking place?”
“It’s in a few weeks. Richard is playing on the department’s team,
while I’m on the academy’s.” He sighs. “Should make for an interesting game.”
All the joy drains from me at the reminder of Richard, and Jace’s features have darkened.
“I need to talk to Ned because I seriously don’t know if I can work with Richard after what he did to you. All I’ll want to do is kill the bastard.”
I nod slowly. A part of me feels numb by what happened and the other part is still terrified that Richard will show up at my house again. Even if he doesn’t, he’s still part of my life through my uncle. I groan silently. I’m going to have to explain everything about Richard to my uncle and friends and the thought causes my stomach to hurt. I hate this.
“I get that. I need to get my locks changed because he still has a key.” I also admit, “I’m not sure if he gave me back my set of keys, whether or not I’d trust him to not have made a copy.” I shrug, and slightly wince from the pain. Now that the sexual haze has worn off, the sting from my bruises is back.
“I have a friend, Roger, he works as a security consultant so I’m sure he’ll come out and change all your locks. He might add some extra security measures.”
“That would be great. Thank you.” I find that I’m blinking away tears at Jace wanting to make sure I’m safe.
“Hey, none of that.” Jace gently pulls me against his chest and kisses the top of my head. “I won’t be able to settle down until I know you’re protected, okay?”
I nod.
“Do you want to come on a picnic with us?” Dahlia asks, making a sudden appearance, while dropping down onto the coffee table. “We’re going to the park so nothing fancy, but we have plenty of food.”