Page 25 of Sinful (Bad Boy Rockers 5)
I’m not even going to try and deny her words because I’d be lying. I have got it bad.
“There is so much chemistry between you two that I need cooling down.”
I smile. “My attraction to Jace has been there since the minute we met. I tried to ignore what he made me feel, but it didn’t work. My relationship with Richard was based on loss, and although I’m grateful he was there for me, I can’t live my life with him just because I’m grateful.”
“I understand, and if you ever need to talk again, I’m here as a friend or counselor,” she offers.
“Thank you.” And I mean those words. She was there to hear me out yesterday before I met Jace for coffee and I know she’ll be there again if or when I need her.
I watch Karen as she walks toward the kids. The majority of her dark skin hidden by the slacks and long sleeved shirt she always wears, and her face is covered from the sun with a large straw hat. Looking at her now, you’d think she was a lot older than her forty-eight years.
Hearing Jace shouting something, he drags my attention back to him, and I can’t help the sigh that escapes my lips.
You’re driving me crazy…
Hmm, his words have left me hungry for a lot more, and I mean a lot more.
First thing this morning, I’d wondered whether or not this thing with Jace was going too fast, but seeing him today, I’m not sure it’s going fast enough. I mean, neither of us have a choice.
We’ve always been like magnets, only now the pull is stronger than ever.
I only hope I survive.
Chapter Eight
Cornering Savannah after the softball game has been on my mind since I had her in my arms on the field. Although five minutes is all the time we’ll have, I’ll take whatever I’m able to get because I find that I can’t walk away.
She’s beautiful, inside and out, and she’s like a breath of fresh air. Over the past few days, I’ve not given any thought to my life, all of my thoughts have been for her and I look forward to seeing her every day.
I even managed to get my prosthesis back on today as the swelling had completely gone down. Some of that had to do with Savannah making me promise at the coffee shop that I would head home and rest up for the remainder of the day to heal. For once, I did as I promised and feel good for doing it, both physically and mentally.
I still suffer from PTSD, sometimes more than others. It’s constantly with me and probably always will be, but now I do find it easier to control than I did when I was initially recovering from losing my leg…and, I guess, my job.
Savannah has been in my life now for over twelve months and seeing her makes my day brighter, more so now that we’ve been spending one-on-one time together.
She tempts me, and seeing her now, walking toward me with Tammy in her arms causes a pain in my chest. I’d love to see this woman walking toward me with my own son or daughter in her arms. That image shocks me, but doesn’t leave me in fear.
“Hey, I thought you might like to walk back with us and have some juice and cake with the kids,” Savannah suggests.
Going with instinct, I reach out and place the loose hair behind her ear with a caress of her lobe before pulling back.
“I’d like that… Let me throw everything into the back of the truck and then I’m all yours.”
Savannah grins, and whispers, “I knew that already.”
“I helped bake the cakes,” Tammy tells me.
“Well in that case, you’ll have to make sure I get one of those.” I smile at the sweet child.
After I prevented her from being hit with the softball, she became attached to me for the rest of the game. It makes me feel good knowing that the shy, sweet child isn’t frightened of me. In the past, some kids have been daunted by my size, and my injury can make them scared as well. The fact that such a small child isn’t afraid of me makes me smile.
Making sure my truck is locked, I turn back to my woman and the sweet child in her arms.