Page 77 of Savor (Bad Boy Rockers 4)
I see red and knock my chair over.
“What the fuck,” I roar, and find Jace restraining me with his hands on my chest.
“Calm the fuck down. You’re frightening her.”
“She’s brought that fucker here,” I can hardly talk with the anger running through my blood.
“I don’t understand.” Dahlia frowns, and slowly moves closer, but the guy puts his hand on her arm to keep her with him.
“I can’t talk to her,” I tell Jace. “I’m out of here.”
I turn and move as quickly as I can behind the bar and through the back to the stairs that lead up to my apartment.
As I’m heading up the stairs, she calls out to me, which gives me pause when it sounds like she’s crying.
My legs feel as though they’re not going to hold me up for much longer, so once in my apartment, I drop to the sofa and close my eyes.
But when they close, all I see is Dahlia looking a million dollars with her glorious hair flowing in curls down her back, her legs encased in silk, and her feet in some sort of fancy shoe. Her pregnant body was encased in a short, purple silk dress, which even now has my cock hard as fuck.
There must be something wrong with me; getting fuckin’ hard because of the sexy woman, whom I’m hoping has left.
Listening to Jace’s words had given me a bit of hope that maybe he is just a friend. That didn’t last long when I saw them both downstairs.
Why would she come back, and bring him with her?
My head is fuckin’ tired of trying to work it all out.
Making my way to the kitchen, I open the cupboard beneath the sink and bring out the bottle of whisky.
Just what the doctor ordered.
Hearing Ryder’s reaction to me being here disintegrates the little bit that was left of my heart.
I can’t leave without talking to him, if he’ll listen, but the small hope I had left that everything would be all right disappears for good.
I’m unable to hold the sob in any longer, and drop to the floor as emotion clogs my throat. My breath catches as my body shakes with sobs. Tears stream from my eyes as someone picks me up.
“I’ve got you.”
I turn in to him and cry all over his chest. I’ve done so well holding everything together and seeing that Ryder doesn’t have the time of day for me is the last straw.
“Honey, you have to stop. Think of the baby.” He holds me tightly against him. “Dahlia, please. You need to calm down.”
Max practically begging me to calm down finally penetrates through the fog.
After a few minutes, I start to hiccup and allow Max to wipe my face.
“Blow,” he asks, holding a tissue to my nose.
I don’t think so.
I take the tissue and wipe my eyes before blowing my nose. I grab my purse, shove the tissue inside and grab another one from a travel pack I always carry.
“Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Jace stands in front of us.