Page 37 of Savor (Bad Boy Rockers 4)
“Savannah, come and meet my brother.” Jace holds his arm out to her, but doesn’t touch her when she reaches his side.
“Savannah, this is my brother, Ryder.”
I shake her outstretched hand.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she says, her voice husky.
She starts to blush as we both stand, staring at her like idiots.
“Um, I better try and bring some order to the class. If you’ll excuse me.” She scurries off.
“She’s the teacher.”
Trying to hide my laughter, I reply, “I figured. She’s cute, petite with lots of curves. Has a nice blush as well.”
He scowls. “Stay away from her.”
I start to chuckle. “You are so easy to read, and for your information, I have my own girl.”
“Mom told me. What’s she like?”
lia, wiseass.”
He starts heading toward his truck to throw some gear in the back. Grabbing some water bottles, he passes one to me.
I smirk and answer his original question. “She’s amazing . . . I love her.”
He starts to cough, choking on the water so I belt him on the back until he shoves me away.
I nod.
Taking a drink, I keep my eyes locked with his.
“That’s why you’re going for a divorce. You want to be free to be with Dahlia.”
“I do want to be free to be with Dahlia, but the divorce is something I should have had the balls to do years ago, instead of carrying on as though there was nothing wrong. But with Dahlia, I want everything—marriage, kids, a dog and a house with a white, picket fence.”
He laughs. “Oh, my God, my brother is totally screwed.”
“Well, I’d like to be.”
“Wouldn’t we all,” he mumbles casting a sly glance toward Savannah.
“Have you asked her out yet?”
He slams the door of his truck shut and doesn’t answer.
What’s going on with him?
“I heard you.” He glances across at Savannah, who quickly looks away when caught with her eyes on him. “It’s easier being alone.”