Page 9 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
I don’t give the guy a chance to respond because I take off after Donovan. I’d forgotten that the reason I’d wanted to stop was to try and get him out of the slump he’d suddenly fallen into, but I’d gotten sidetracked and hoped Donovan would act jealous.
Turning the corner to the diner, I spot him with his hands resting against the wall and his body pushed out with his head dropped between his shoulders. I slow my pace, but coming to a stop beside him, I reach out and place my palm on his back.
“Donovan, please tell me what’s wrong.”
He turns his head to the side his black hair falling over his eyes, which casts shadows over his chiseled cheekbones and plush lips as he meets my gaze, his blue eyes glowing in anger. “Where’s your friend?”
I shake my head. “He isn’t my friend, but you are,” I answer, concern filling my heart.
My hand starts to caress up and down his back. Touching him, although innocently, feels so good, and by the shudder that I feel go through him, he feels the same way.
Donovan inhales and steps away from my touch, shoving his hands into his back pockets. “So, you want to go get that coffee?”
The stubborn ass.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on. One minute you were fine, and the next you kind of tuned out and looked blank. As though you were having dark thoughts.”
He seems to sag in front of me. “I’m sorry Mara. It’s difficult…every time I head home, you know. But give me a couple of days at being back there and I’ll be good again.”
His parents. I’m an idiot. Donovan always seems so put together, more so than my brother or Phoenix, that I’d temporarily forgotten what he’s lost.
Without thought to the consequences of getting too close to him, I take the steps separating us and wrap my arms around his waist. I rest my face against his chest and just hold him. A few seconds pass before he seems to wrestle with his shock and wraps his arms around me, pressing me closer to him.
“I’m sorry. I should have realized,” I mumble into his chest.
He dips his head and kisses me on the top of my head before he says, “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. It’s just hard. Every time I pull up to the house, I expect to see my mom come running outside. I’m not sure that will ever change.”
“I’m here for you. I’m always here for you, Donovan.” I kiss his chest and feel movement lower. I’m arousing him. Well good, because he arouses me all the damn time. “Would it help if I came to your place first? We can have a drink and get the place aired some. Maybe it won’t be as hard on you if I’m there with you.”
“You’d do that for me?” He runs his fingers through my hair.
I tilt my head up to look at him. “I’d do pretty much anything for you,” I whisper the truth.
Groaning, he drops his forehead to mine, and breathing heavily, he kisses my forehead. His hands momentarily tightening in my hair before he completely steps away from me.
“C’mon. Let’s grab the coffee to go.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders to get me moving before releasing me. “And thanks, but I’ll be fine going home. I have to be.”
Opening the door for me, I walk inside and let him lead me to the counter.
He doesn’t have to be alone.
I’m guessing it’s me that he doesn’t want coming to his home—too much temptation.
Smiling, I take a sip of the coffee he’s just passed to me. I have two weeks of living closely to him so who knows what can happen. Both my brother and Phoenix are going to be wrapped up in their girls for them to spend as much time as usual with Donovan
. Oh, they’ll still hang out together, just not as though they’re joined at the hip like they usually do.
Reece won’t like me hovering around Donovan, but my sister, Sarah, better get the message that he’s mine.
I’ve seen the looks she gives him when she thinks no one else is watching, but I’m on to her. She may be my sister but I’m going to make sure she knows to stay clear. She’s two years older than me, and that much closer to Donovan in age, but by the end of the two weeks, I’m determined to make him want me, and only me. I can be very persuasive when I have my heart set on something or someone.
Chapter Six
After a seven hour and thirty-three minute journey, I’m home. Mara had tried to talk me in to letting her come home with me first, but I’d refused. She hasn’t been with me in the past and she won’t be with me in the future. This is something I have to do alone. The fact is I don’t want the girl who has me tied in knots to witness my emotions as I walk into my home. I was raised here by two wonderful parents and I couldn’t bring myself to come home with anyone…I have to do this alone. Tossing my bag into my room, I walk around checking the place out—everything looks as I left it. Coming back downstairs, I find Phoenix on the back porch with a beer in his hand—the remaining five on the table.
“Thought I’d come and welcome you back,” he says, resting back with his feet on the table. “Actually I’m surprised you’re back so soon.”