Page 59 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
Sighing, I give her mom a hug and without looking back because if I do I won’t leave, I walk out of the room with Reece—exhausted as fuck.
“Donovan, you need to wake up.”
“Donovan, c’mon man.”
I’m going to punch Reece if he doesn’t shut up. I’ve only been asleep for five minutes.
I carry on ignoring him.
“Okay, if you don’t wake up I’m going to take a picture of your naked ass with my phone and plaster it all over facebook….1…2…”
“Fuck you.”
I grab the sheet and pull it over me as I turn to lie on my back. Then it hits me—Mara.
“What time is it,” I ask Reece while dashing to the bathroom to relieve myself.
Opening the shower door, I quickly step inside and turning the taps on, I catch my breath as the water hits me. So fuckin’ cold! Well at least it woke me up. If it’s three in the afternoon that means I’ve been out of it for about four hours.
Turning the taps off after what must be the quickest shower in history, I wrap a towel around my hips and walk back into the bedroom to find Reece spread out on my bed.
“If you didn’t keep your woman up all night you wouldn’t be so tired.” I smirk.
“My woman is the one keeping me up. I don’t know where the fuck she gets her energy from because I’m fucked.”
Laughing at him, I quickly drag clean jeans, tee shirt and boots on before heading out into the front of my house where I stop dead.
How the hell I didn’t notice the smell of food while I was in my bedroom is anyone’s guess because there is no way this didn’t travel. Chilli. My stomach chooses this moment to grumble.
“Sit. You’re not going anywhere until we’ve fed you. Cindy rang not five minutes ago to check on you. Mara is more awake now and she’s okay. She said to tell you to stop worrying about her and to look after yourself before you go back to the hospital.”
With a nod of my head, I acknowledge what Thalia just told me as I sag into the chair at the dinning table.
“Thanks for this girls, and that smells good.” My stomach growls again.
“You should have eaten before now,” Callie tells me. “She’s going to be okay. You know that, right?”
I smile. “Yes, I know she’s gong to be fine. And I’ll be fine when she’s out of that place and back here with me.”
“We hear you.” Phoenix sits with me before Reece joins us and then the girls are placing dishes of food on the table; chilli, rice and homemade cornbread.
“Dig in,” Callie says.
She doesn’t need to tell me twice.
Filling my plate with food, I start to eat savoring the flavors. This is damn good and even though I’ve thanked them, I don’t think they realize how much I appreciate this. In fact, until I sat down and started eating, I hadn’t realized how hungry I am.
As soon as I climbed in my truck from the hospital, which Reece has been using, I was out for the count waking up briefly to get myself in the house before I stripped and dropped to my bed.
Now, thanks to my friends, I’m refueling and eager to get back to see Mara.
“I’ll take you back soon,” Reece says. “You were thinking rather loudly,” he adds obviously seeing my questioning look for what it was.
“Phoenix can follow so I have a lift back. That way you can keep your truck with you.”