Page 46 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
“He’s pissed at me, and taking it out on Mara,” Dahlia says coming back into the room. “She has nothing to do with this. She’s here because she persuaded me to tell you the truth.”
Reece is like a bull in a fuckin’ china shop sometimes, and doesn’t think things through before he reacts—like now. He shakes his head and I see the anger fade away in his eyes before he runs his hand over his face. He has definitely calmed himself down and it’s clear in his tone. “Fuck. I’m sorry Mara, but I’m not going to be sorry for what I say to Sarah. She’s causing too much trouble for me to sit back and say nothing.”
“That’s fine.”
What the hell has she done now? I know she’s trying to interfere between Mara and me, but Dahlia as well, that’s just plain crazy.
Right now though, especially since it looks like everything is solved between Reece and Dahlia, I need to get them back. “Okay, girls I need to get you both over to the house to get ready. We’re running out of time.”
“Let’s go,” Mara says, stepping around me to hug Reece. “It’s your wedding today so please forget about this for now. Callie won’t forgive you if you screw this up with that temper of yours.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll put it on hold.”
Reece hugs Dahlia as well before shoving everyone out the door. I usher them to my truck and feel my heart sink when Mara climbs in the back. Dahlia hesitates, but climbs into the front mumbling about something I don’t quite catch.
Turning out of sight from the cabin, Dahlia unclips and starts climbing into the back.
“Go sit up front with your guy,” she tells Mara.
Within seconds, Mara is over into the front and pressed up against my side. I slide my fingers between hers and hold on tight to her hand.
We drive back to her house in silence and pulling up in front, I watch as Dahlia gets out and is called inside by Cindy. I climb out and pull Mara out through my door and into my arms. We’re slightly sheltered from view by the door with the darkened glass, but anyone really looking will see how close our feet are beneath the truck.
I cup her face in my hands and meet her lips with mine. She moans and opens her mouth to me. As our tongues caress in wet heat, other parts of my body come alive and press against her stomach. She rubs against me causing an ache deep in my balls. One of my hands slides down her back to caress over her bottom. I press her into me and groan as my cock enlarges and leaks with excitement. Feeling her hard nipples against my chest isn’t helping any, and it’s making me want to rip her clothes off to taste her. Think her mom might have something to say about that though, at least while we’re outside her house.
Breathing heavily, I place both hands on her hips and move her away from my aching body. “Tonight. Tonight I want you to stay with me. All night in my bed.” Talking about tonight isn’t helping to calm me down. Imagining her all warm and naked in my arms—wet and tight as I slide inside her—having her walls massage my length.
Groaning, I release her completely and rest against the side of the truck while I try to calm my body down.
“Are you okay?” she asks, rubbing my back.
“I’m fine, but please don’t do that.”
Her hand pauses on me.
“I want you like crazy and with you touching me, I’m so close to saying, to hell with this and shoving you back in to my truck and bringing tonight forward.” I turn my head to look at her.
“Okay,” she smiles, “I’ll leave you alone for now, but promise me something.”
I nod.
“Promise me that no matter what, you’ll dance with me tonight at Reece and Callie’s wedding.”
Moving away from my truck, I lazily walk toward her, “How can I not,” I quickly kiss her, “dance with my girl. Now go in there and get ready.” I kiss her again. “I’ll see you there.”
“Okay. I miss you already,” she shouts over her shoulder as she runs towards her house.
After she’s gone back inside, I climb into my truck and pulling away I’m wishing my life away to this evening to when I’ll have Mara to myself. I only hope I survive.
Chapter Twenty-One
As soon as I walk inside my home, the chaos hits me. Both Callie and Thalia are getting ready here, which also means both sets of parents are here somewhere, probably hiding out in the lounge. My four sisters look to be nearly ready with their hair and make-up sorted. Even with all the business, I catch Sarah glaring at me across the room.
She will have seen Dahlia here or at least seen her on the way to my room. Letting out a loud sigh, which has Jessie and Robin looking my way. I ignore them and walk toward Sarah, taking hold of her wrist as I pull her out of the room with me and towards the downstairs’ coat closet.
Opening the door and dragging her inside, I slam the door shut and standing in front of her; I try to catch my breath. I don’t want to start a shouting match with her, but my need to keep the peace for Reece and Callie today is making me say something to her when in reality I’d rather avoid her.