Page 41 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
Why didn’t I think of that? In fact, why didn’t my mother think of that?
“I’ll wait outside.”
“Okay, babe. I’ll be there in five. Bye.”
Now that I’m going to be seeing Donovan, my step feels lighter. I’d wanted to go home with him last night after the rehearsal, but he wouldn’t let me. He said he wanted me too much to not make love to me, and that he hadn’t had time to get the things he wanted to make my first time special.
I wasn’t too impressed at first but his sweet kisses along with his sweet talk had worked magic on me. So I’d gone home with my family to have a very frustrating night’s sleep.
I’m still tired, but the excitement of the day will carry me along, and now as I’m approaching Kix I can’t help feel apprehensive at what’s going on with Dahlia. She’s having a hard time coming to terms with everything now that it’s out in the open and I guess my sisters aren’t really helping. Jessie and Robin are blaming her for Dad being such a dick, Amanda has been pleasant, but of course Sarah’s been the bitch that she’s become. I guess it can’t be easy for Dahlia not really having anyone to fall back on because Reece is in the middle of the whole thing, but he’s been distracted with Callie for a while now.
Before I can drop to the steps, Donovan comes racing into the lot out front of Kix leaving dust in his wake. He pulls to a stop in front of me, and jumping out of his truck strides towards me with purpose. Ripping his shades off, he grabs me by the bottom, pulling me into him. My arms go around his neck as his mouth descends on mine.
Our tongues tangle, my pussy quivers. God, it has taken seconds for me to go from zero to ten. I wrap my legs around his waist and grind against the hardness I feel in my most sensitive place. I can’t get enough of him as I chase his tongue back into his mouth, our moans mingle the higher our passion rises. His hands on my bottom squeeze and start to help me grind against him, but he pulls his mouth free and stills my movement.
“Wow,” he gulps. “That was unexpected,” he tells me in a rough voice sounding sexy as hell.
“I missed you.” I rotate my hips and I’m delighted when he gasps and puts me away from him.
“We shouldn’t be doing this out here.” He breathes out while leaning against his truck. The distance between us is only a few feet, but I need to be close to him so I step closer and watch as his eyes darken. “I’m trying to get my body under control and you’re not helping.”
“My body is just as out of control as yours is, but I need you close,” I whisper, resting against him with my arms going around his waist as I inhale his woodsy scent into my lungs.
“Don’t we have a girl to find?”
Dahlia. I’d forgotten.
“We do.”
“Before we do though I think I need to tell you what I overheard last night. When her and Ryder were leaving the club, she told him someone in your family was pretty bad to her. At least that’s how I took what she was saying to him.”
“That doesn’t surprise me. I’d bet it was Sarah, although it could have been Jessie or Robin. Amanda’s pretty cool with her and so is my mom, now.”
“C’mon.” He takes my hand and pulls me up the steps. “Let’s go and find her because, if I have to guess, Reece is driving everyone crazy wanting to find her.”
“I’m surprised he’s not here himself.”
“I spoke to him on the way here to see if he’d heard from her and he said Callie will kill him if he goes AWOL on their wedding day.”
“That figures,” I mumble.
Donovan opens the door.
“I hope she’s here,” I say looking around the place.
Walking inside Kix for the first time, I’m surprised at how clean and…and nice it is. There are wooden tables throughout the place that look to have a shine to them as though they are new and the walls are covered with all kinds of memorabilia. Everything looks to have a home, which makes the place neat and tidy, but welcoming as well.
“Hey Ryder.” Donovan drags my gaze to the guy who is responsible for the transformation, which has happened here. The whole town was a buzz with gossip during the renovation.
If he’s surprised at seeing us together it doesn’t show as he walks closer and shakes Donovan’s hand before reaching for mine.
“What brings you two in here? Don’t you have a wedding to be at?”
“That’s what brings us here. We’re looking for Dahlia. Reece is going crazy not being able to get hold of her.”
His eyes darken. “I know you’ve been good to her Mara, but other members of your family have done nothing but make her life a nightmare. She just wants to be left alone.”