Page 27 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
“You better.”
Opening the door, I step inside the air-conditioned corridor and spot Bonny coming out of a room further down. When she looks up and sees me, a frown mars her brow before she walks toward me.
Chapter Fourteen
Tux in one hand, I push through the door of the wedding store and walk smack into Reece. My mind has been full of Mara, but as soon as I see him everything flies out leaving me tongue-tied—a first for me.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he asks sounding pissed.
“Nothing,” I say then grin. I’m an idiot. “Okay, nothing much. Just lost in thought.”
He laughs. “So who’s the girl?”
My heart drops to my feet. “Um, someone I took to the beach yesterday.”
Telling him the truth, but being a bit evasive will probably work with him right now while his head is full of Callie and their wedding. “I thought your tux was okay. What are you doing here?”
“Shoes,” he grouches.
I laugh. “Were you planning on wearing those?” I point down to his scuffed boots.
“I was, but Callie has other ideas.”
“You’re a dick if you thought Callie would let you get married in them.”
He shakes his head. “Yeah, well, I’m thinking another pair of these instead of shoes. I can cope with a lot but I need something I can feel comfortable in.”
Shaking my head, I laugh at him again. He reminds me of the time we all had to get suits when we were about fourteen. Can’t remember why right now, but he was the same back then about his footwear. Now we’re in our twenties, it’s kind of weird for a guy to have a thing about his footwear, right? It certainly is to me.
“I think you’ll get away with a new pair of boots. It’s probably the wrecked look of those that Callie’s opposed to you wearing for your wedding rather than the fact they’re boots and not shoes…On that note, I’m going to leave you to get sorted, and I’ll catch you later.”
Turning, I dash toward my truck, hoping he doesn’t call me back to go in the store with him. I can still feel him staring at my back though.
Hanging the tux up on the handle in the rear of the truck, I climb in and pull out behind the two cars on the main road through town. I wonder if Mara has finished at the clinic and if she’s okay.
She’d shocked me when she’d told me where she was heading and why. That had been the last thing I’d expected to come out of her mouth. My dick had also stood up and took notice. Bareback. Yeah, it definitely likes that idea. Down boy! I grin, and before I know where I’m at, I’m pulling up in front of Mara’s house. This is probably a really bad idea, but I need to check on her before I head back to my place. A text message isn’t going to cut it.
Stepping out of the truck, I groan when I spot Sarah coming toward me across the lawn. She’s a pretty girl, more my age, but she isn’t Mara. There’s only one of her.
“Hey handsome,” Sarah shouts in greeting as she gets closer to the truck.
Reaching into the back of the truck, I pull an art book out of the red paper bag that Julie at the local bookstore wrapped for me. I’d wanted to give it to Mara as a present anyway, but I figure I’m going to need a good excuse to get to Mara right now.
Slamming the door, I turn and face her. “Hi Sarah. How are you doing?”
“All the better for seeing you.”
I can handle flirting—I think.
“Good to know. Is Mara around?”
Perhaps that was the wrong thing to ask. I watch as her face changes into a scowl. “What do you want her for?”
“Whatever happened to sisterly love?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” She stands with her hands on her hips in a ‘you’re not getting past me’ move.