Page 16 of Sultry (Bad Boy Rockers 3)
With watching Donovan’s arousal grow, mine is pushing at my body for more…but more what? My nipples are rock hard and every slight movement against the sand causes desire to shoot straight between my legs. I might not have that much experience with guys or how they’re supposed to make me feel, but I know there is only one guy my body craves just as much as my heart does.
Should I make the first move? It’s been obvious over the past few weeks that he wants me just as much as I want him. Well, I hope he wants me just as much.
I’ve just never been so forward before, but if I don’t do anything, we’re both probably going to be ninety by the time he gets around to something else. I loved being close to him in the changing room of the dress store, but I need more now—so does my body.
Slowly, so as not to wake him, I crawl closer and cuddle in to his side. His sleepy eyes open then widen when he realizes I’m in his arms and that my hand is caressing over his stomach. He stops my wandering hand with his.
“What are you doing? On a beach…in public.”
“I have an ache,” I blurt out, raising one leg over his. I bend my knee and nudge against his erection with it.
He groans and closes his eyes.
“We are not doing this.” He rolls on top of me, pinning me beneath him. His cock throbs between my legs. “Jesus, Mara.” His forehead drops to mine. “We can’t,” he whispers as his mouth is slowly getting closer and closer to mine.
“Kiss her dude,” someone shouts, breaking the spell.
“Yeah, go on kiss her.”
Donovan turns his head to the sound of voices, and starts grinning like an idiot. I look as well and start laughing. There are about eight guys, around the same age as me, standing not too far away staring at us.
With a bow, they leave us alone.
“Just in time,” Donovan comments, kneeling up between my thighs. Swiping a hand across his face, he says, “I want you Mara, you know that, but you really need to stop teasing me.”
Okay, now I’m getting angry. Why does he have to act like it’s my entire fault that he wants me? I know I’ve been teasing him this afternoon, but he’s acting as though he had nothing to do with his body’s reaction. Dick!
Shoving him over on his ass, I get to my feet and grabbing my floppy, white sunhat with a sunflower on that he bought me when we arrived, I ignore him and stride to the ocean to calm down.
I hate this between us. I also hate the fact that my idiot of a brother is in the middle. If it wasn’t for him...
“Mara, wait up,” Donovan shouts, breaking into my thoughts.
I slow my step, but not altogether and wait for him to catch up to me when I reach the ocean.
Chapter Ten
Catching up to Mara, I’ve no idea what to say to her. She’s standing in front of me looking so damn hot, and I don’t just mean from the heat. The sun seems to shimmer on her body and the way she fills out Callie’s bikini should be illegal.
Shaking my head of the lustful thoughts that got me into this to begin with, I reach for her hand and entwine my fingers with hers.
“I’m not sure what happened back there,” I admit, hoping she isn’t going to get mad all over again. “I’m presuming it was something I said, but—”
“I felt as though you were blaming me for the way your body reacts to me.” She faces the ocean. “All I want is for you to want me as much as I want you,” she whispers, close to tears.
My heart misses a beat or two in my chest while it registers what she’s just admitted. I use my other hand and tilt her face up to me instead of the ocean so I can press a quick kiss to her lips. Nothing like I actually want to do, but better than nothing at all.
Feeling the ocean lap around my ankles, I hold her gaze. “I want you more than you’ll ever know—probably more than you want me, but you’re my best friend’s little sister. Reece knows me really well, and…and, him and Phoenix are the only family I have left. I can’t lose that.” She goes to pull free of my hand, but I hold tight. “For the first time since college I want to spend time with a girl and for it not to involve sex.” I grin. “Even though that’s constantly on my mind when I’m with you or not with you. So 24/7 really.”
She chuckles, which is what I intended even though it’s probably the truth.
“You really are a temptation when fully clothed so imagine what you do to me dressed like this. Or what it does to me knowing all the guys on the beach are ogling my girl.”
The smile she gives me lights up her whole face at my words. I don’t say anything else not wanting to go into further explanation on the ‘my girl.’
“Let’s go in the water.”