Page 63 of Spicy (Bad Boy Rockers 2)
“Reece, I asked you to put your hands on me, and you did. If I wasn’t too far gone, I would have been getting you out of your jeans and inside me, but the minute your mouth and tongue started touching me I was lost and couldn’t think. Don’t ever be sorry for getting ‘hard’ for me. I love the fact that I can make you lose control. You’re my guy and I’m crazy in love with you so stop acting like a pussy. I want my sweet bad ass back.”
“Sweet?” I scowl.
She grins, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, sweet.”
“Just don’t repeat that when anyone else is around. You’ll ruin my image.”
“Hmm. Think I might get it tattooed on my ass.”
“Property of ‘sweet bad ass.” She giggles with a teasing expression on her face as the door opens and Thalia and Phoenix race through it.
“Shut the door quick,” Thalia tells Phoenix, “before that nurse comes back.”
I raise an eyebrow in question to Phoenix. “The nurse wouldn’t let us in so Thalia dragged me into a storage closet until she disappeared from the desk outside your room… I kinda like storage closets.” He grins as a bright red Thalia whacks him in the stomach.
No doubt they’ve been up to no good while they waited. It’s written all over their faces.
Thalia walks over to us and I reluctantly let her have my seat and watch as Phoenix turns away to hide his smirk.
“Reece, you go and get a coffee or something with Phoenix and I’ll look after Callie.” Thalia takes Callie’s hand, and I feel as though I don’t have any choice, but it isn’t easy, leaving my girl.
“C’mon. Let’s leave them to catch up.” Phoenix opens the door and sticks his head out to check the corridor for the nurse. He turns toward me and gives me an all’s clear thumbs up as he waits for me to get with it. Except, I can’t just leave.
I lean over the opposite side of the bed and cup Callie’s face in my hands before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you, babe. I won’t be long.”
“I’ll be okay. I love you, too.”
Quickly walking out of the room, Phoenix drags me down the corridor to the coffee machine and after shoving one in my hand stands grinning like an idiot in front of me.
“I can honestly say that I never in a million years expected to see you pussy whipped.”
He chuckles and asks, “So, what did we nearly interrupt?” leaning against the wall beside the machine.
I snicker. “Probably the same as what you were up to in the closet.”
“Considering Callie is in the hospital with a bad throat, I very much doubt that.”
I pause mid drink, shaking my head at him and trying not to laugh, which is easier said than done, and he knows that.
“Callie will be fine, you know that, right? She’s a spitfire like my girl.”
We both deposit the now empty cups into the trash as I slouch beside him against the wall, which I slide down until my butt hits the floor and draw my legs up, letting my wrists hang freely from them. “I’m going to ask her to move in with me.”
Phoenix slides down beside me and for once doesn’t say anything.
“I don’t know if she’ll agree, which makes me damn nervous, but I’m going to ask. She turns me inside out, you know… Christ. I am pussy whipped.”
“Yeah… It feels good though, doesn’t it?” He gives a nervous laugh. “But you know what? I’d rather be pussy whipped any day than be without Thalia and I don’t give a shit who knows it.”
“It feels strange. Half the time I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing with her or what she sees in me, but I’ve got her and I’ll be damn if I’m going to let her go.”
“Fighting words…and she’ll move in with you. She looks at you the same way Thalia looks at me…and if you breathe a word of what I’ve just said to Thalia, I’ll tell Callie about the fishing hole.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.” The fishing hole is where we first started having sex as teenagers and lets just say it was very rare for it to be empty. I sure as hell don’t want Callie knowing about that part of my past; it’s damn embarrassing looking back.