Page 52 of Spicy (Bad Boy Rockers 2)
Not that I’ll admit to anything if asked, although Dal did give me a strange look when she was looking for one of them, which I’d left in my room. I grin. I’d quickly gone and retrieved it and only just managed to bury it under a cushion on the sofa before she was back in the lounge looking for it. Anyway, going back to the ‘romance’ bit, it was more like reading a porno book than a romance. It sure as hell opened my eyes, I tell you. I also had no idea Dal read books like that, but I sure as hell wasn’t planning on asking her about them because then I’d have to admit to reading them.
Stepping out the front door, I pray Dal really does keep her promise to apologize and help me get Callie back. I’ll be pissed to hell if she doesn’t, but I’ll be standing by Callie’s side. I’ve learnt my lesson.
~ * ~
I bang on Dal’s hotel room door and pull Callie in close against my chest. She wraps her arms around my waist as though she has no intention of letting go. I don’t want her to let go. Ever. My feelings for this girl in my arms terrify the life outta me, because it’s nothing I’ve ever felt before. Whenever I think about her or get close to her my heart literally pounds in my chest. I’m not even sure that’s normal. I think I’ll keep that to myself though for now. Christ, Donovan would have a field day if he knew she has me pussy whipped.
At that thought, I’m grinning when Dal opens her door with a lovely scowl on her face. “You’re back…and it went, okay.”
I roll my eyes and feel Callie tense against me. Caressing down her back, I glare at Dal over her head.
She opens her door wider so we can enter.
After a few minutes of silence, Callie breaks it, by saying, “Well, this is awkward.”
Dal sighs. “Yes it is…Look, we got off to a bad start, okay. I’m sorry I helped screw things up between you and Reece. It was my intention at the start, but really, I’ve never seen him like this with anyone before so I really am sorry.” She smiles, holding her hand out to Callie. “Truce.”
Callie takes a tentative step toward her and grips her hand. “Truce.”
Returning to my side, Callie reaches up and kisses me. It was only a brief touching of lips, but it was like a breath of fresh air.
“Phew! Now that’s sorted I’m starving,” Dal says, making a grab for the room service menu over the bed.
“We’re going out to eat and then heading out somewhere.”
“Huh, okay. Well, I’m going to head home later so I’ll see you next time.” Dal jumps up from the bed and hugs me. “Don’t screw it up,” she whispers.
“I won’t… You ring me if you need me, okay?” I really hate the fact that she has to go home to that piece of shit she calls a father. I’ve tried to talk her into moving in with Donovan and me, but she won’t leave and she won’t tell me why, which drives me crazy.
“Take care of him, Callie.” They quickly hug, before she’s trying to shove us out the door. “I’m hungry so the sooner you’re gone the sooner I can eat.” She stands with her hands on her hips and a small smile trying to break free of her mouth.
“Bye, Dal.”
With the door shutting behind us, Callie turns to me and asks, “Is she alright?”
I take Callie’s hand and lead her down the hall toward the elevators. Pressing the down button, I lean against the wall to the side and reply, “I’m not sure. She’s a private person, and as far as I know, I’m the only one she’s close too. She doesn’t have any friends other than me, but that’s probably because of her sunny disposition.”
Callie smacks me as she walks into the waiting elevator. “That isn’t nice.”
I rub my chest as I follow her inside. “I’m only speaking the truth. She’s like a rattler and don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
“I’m not saying anything…and you need to keep talking so I don’t start to panic. I forgot I don’t like elevators.” She looks around the small space and starts to rub her chest.
“You were fine on the way up… Ah!” On the way up, we hadn’t come up for air.
Taking her face into my hands, I make her look into my eyes. “I’m only too happy to help you, babe.”
Very slowly, I start to place butterfly kisses along each eyebrow, moving down along her nose then to each cheek before finally licking along her delicious, cherry red lips. She opens her mouth on a moan, which I take advantage of by slipping my tongue inside.
Gripping my head, she pulls even closer to her, tangling her tongue with mine. Our bodies end up straining against the other, her breast squashed against my chest as her aroused nipples dig into me. My dick is solid and knows where it wants to go, but that really isn’t happening. I wasn’t lying about spending the night having cold showers.
“Reece,” she pants, shaking against me.
I lose it.
Gripping her sexy ass, I haul her up against me so there isn’t an inch between us. She wraps her legs around my hips and grinds against me, as I use the wall of the elevator to hold her up while I slide my hands inside her shirt to scrape her nipples with my nails.